Recovery Questions

Hi, I am a 43yr old female and I had my pacemaker surgery May 20. Was discharged the next day and immediately started to not feel good. I had alot of pain in my neck and started having a fever. I went back to my doctor for my 2 week checkup and they found I had a blood clot in my left jugular vein. They say this is a result of the surgery. I spent another week in the hospital while they got my infection under control and had me on heparain. I am now taking warfarin for the next 3 months.

My incision is still very tender to touch and surrounding area. Also my left shoulder and arm and arm pit ache. This could be a combination of the surgery and clot I am not sure. What is the recovery time of the incision to heal. It has been just over a month so is it normal.

Also at any point does it become easier to lay on the left side. I find as soon as I try to lay on my left side, it hurts and is very uncomfortable.



by DybHen - 2011-06-30 03:06:33

I'm 34 years old, have had my PM since May 2010. I too had a blood clot about 5 weeks post implant. Shoulder/armpit pain was terrible then. I was on blood thinners for 3 months. Pain gradually went away, but even now I still get occasional armpit aches. My incision area doesn't ache anymore, but it is still sensitive and itchy. My scar didn't heal well, it started to keloid so that may be part of the problem.

I can lay on my left side with no problems now and I don't recall at one point post implant I was able to do so.

It will get better every day, I'm sorry you had to suffer with a blood clot. Not something fun to deal with on top of dealing with a new PM and everything that goes with it physically and emotionally.

Reply to Similar DybHen

by sshaw - 2011-06-30 04:06:38

Hi, thanks for responding to my post. I am finding that I am dealing with the pacemaker surgery itself then the blood clot. The first week after the surgery it was hard for me emotionaly, I think more just the shock of it but came to realize that I was going to get my life back and that excited me. There are days where I find it hard to ignore it just because I can feel it. When I move my arm it gets in the way and probably because it still hurts I cant take the focus off it.

The blood clot was a scare for me especially because the signs were ignored by my local hospital and I have a 2hr drive to my cardiologist. My brother at the age of 44 died from a blood clot to the heart so I was very scared when I found out I had the clot. Luckily I am ok and it is being treated but I am still nervous.

When were you able to start doing exercises and being more physical with the clot. I would like to get back into my boxing and weight lifting but I am scared to get my heart rate up, not so much for the pace but for the blood clot.

Did you find out if the pain in your arm area was from the pace surgery or the clot. Also my left arm was so swollen and blue from the blood clot and I find the more I use it throughout the day it swells up. Did your pain go away as the clot dissolved.

Will get better

by Creaky - 2011-06-30 05:06:00

Hi. Sorry to hear you had such problems, but welcome to the club. Everything you mention will slowly get better. Your range of motion will improve and you will be able to resume most activities.

You may want to check out the boxing with your Doc. Getting hit on the PM won't hurt it but could damage the leads. Also, research all the threads on this site regarding weight lifting before you start back.

Many docs don't recommend using weight machines because the motion is straight back/forth or up/down in the same plane of motion. They say this can flex the leads in the same spot and contribute to it breaking. Others say no problem. Free weights seem to be OK. My lead failed after only 8 months, so I'm a bit on the cautious side.

Just wait out the first 6 weeks like you're supposed to and then go back to your routine slowly until you feel comfortable at each level. Good luck!


sorry for the pain

by gregnann06 - 2011-07-10 02:07:11

just to try to help u sepy 2009 2nd got my icd than on sept 5 2009 was shocked 14 times in 15 min was taken back to johnhopkins were they said sorry for the pain we reset now it is reading the wright part of your heart so from that time on i have been down my hep c that they gave is working harder than ever i have very little life my life is not what i would wish on anyone i am 50 years old benn a heart pateion from birth my left arm is realy giving me more pain than i ever thought possible so may god be with you

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