Sleeping side and sexual life

Just had my St.Jude 2112 "installed" on me last thursday. Yes, its been a week now and I dont feel any pain anymore. Sometimes I forget about my arm and raise it but nothing too radical, just like scratching my head.

But there's two things that I am still concerned. When will it be safe to sleep on the side the PM was installed? I am just tired of sleeping on my left arm or on my back.

The second thing is, when will I be able to resume my sexual life?
Doc was so vague about it, said on monday to wait more "a few" days. A few days may have gone now or not, depending on what can be defined for "a few".

Ideas or tips would be welcome.


Hi there

by sue uk - 2011-07-08 04:07:30

Everyone is different,l couldn't sleep on my left side for about 4/5 wks because l had some problems with incision but as soon as l felt comfortable in that position then l slept on that side, l think you have to use commonsense & "listen" to your body & it will let you know if you are doing the right thing.
As for sex,well l think we managed to wait about 4 days,then l read in my little booklet should wait until check-up with PM tech (6wks) WHOOPS! but again use commonsense if it feels right then ok !
Good luck & all the best Sue X


by sonnybr - 2011-07-08 07:07:45

thank you all for the quick responses.

I will try to relax my position to sleep from now on and as for the sexual activity I think I will try to restart it this weekend, slowly but steady :)

Left side sleeping

by pacergirl - 2011-07-08 08:07:09

I know what you mean. I began to sleep on the left side when it no longer caused pain when I rolled over and got comfy.

As far as my love life goes, I never gave it a thought. We resumed our "normal" happy life as soon as I was able to enjoy it again... not more than a week or so. I am on my 2nd pacemaker and of course I didn't need new leads with this one. The healing process was minimal, so it didn't require a long wait.

My advise is, read the PM booklet, use your common sense and have some fun. oh yes, .... if it hurts stop doing it.


Your body will let you know

by kathykat11 - 2011-07-08 08:07:28

Sex is a non issue with me... Darn. But sleeping is easy. After the first 2 weeks just do what comes natural. Your body will stop you if it is too painful and at this point pain is what should guide you with positioing. I had sex 5 days after open heart surgery so if sex was an issue, I would have put on my sling so as not to make any drastic movements and let nature take its course.

Good idea

by pacergirl - 2011-07-08 10:07:23

I hope you get some rest and that everything works out for you. I see you are only 40 and that is young by todays standards so I hope the "restart" goes well.

i was

by biceps72 - 2011-07-08 12:07:16

never told I had to sleep on a certain side! I was told to keep my left elbow (PM implanted in left pec) below my left shoulder for 4 weeks. Also told note to lift more weight than a gallon of milk for 4 weeks with my left arm.

Sex-- I actually asked my cardiologist about this-- he said ok "as long as spouse agreed!

My advice is to keep your elbow down below shoulder, don't lift much weight with "that arm" and enjoy as much sex as you can! Sleep on whatever side, back or tummy, just rest.

I just can't ignore this one!

by ElectricFrank - 2011-07-09 02:07:19

Since I have my replacements done without sedatives I guess I could resume sexual activity while on the OR table!!!! Guffah.


I had it coming

by ElectricFrank - 2011-07-10 01:07:47

No one ever feels sorry for me. Boo Hoo.


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