heart and shouder

Hello i am heaven i going on one year with my pacemaker still the same been in and out of hospital since 2011 and 2012 m shoulder still fronzen my heart doctor is going to do other stress test on me again after that i am going to see a shoulder doctor hope he can tell me what wrong i am going on two year with this shouder wish me luck and thank you for all your support,god bless you,heaven


Frozen Shoulder

by Many Blessings - 2012-05-06 10:05:33

Hi Heaven,

If you go to YouTube and type in "frozen shoulder exercises", there are some really good exercises that you can try until you get to a doctor.

Good luck!

You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker is the best thing that every happened to me, had I not got it I would not be here today.