pacemaker questions

i just got a pacemaker two days ago. today my hands feel tingly along with my face, i get a sudden hot sweat that makes me feel like i ran a mile, and my heart rate is 148 over 80. Is this normal?



by Pookie - 2011-07-28 08:07:23


I think you should call whomever implanted your pacemaker and tell them exactly what you wrote here just to be on the safe side of things.

148 over 80 -- you meant your blood pressure, right?

Don't ever hesitate to call your doctor(s) if you are not feeling right or have any questions. And don't let them blow you off like this is normal, matter of fact I'd insist that they see you.

Your blood pressure is just on the line of being high (according to what my family doctor would say) but the tingly feelings and the hot sweats don't seem right to me.

My motto is: when in doubt, get yourself checked out:)

Take care,


by evaeli5252 - 2011-08-03 09:08:47

148/80 is normal and fine. I suggest that you avoid excess intake of salt, processed food, caffeine, smoking and drinking. You must have moderate quantity of water and have white meat than red meat. You can also ask doctors to prescribe you some tablets for calcium and multivitamins.

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