
I am having my first mammo.after the pacemaker was implanted 10 months it safe to do the mammogram?
My concern is the pull and squeeze of the area and will it harm the pacemaker.
Also... Is it safe to have an ultrasound of the breasts?



Let them know

by jenny97 - 2011-08-10 11:08:38

that you have a pacemaker. It may hurt a bit, but they will try to be careful with the pacemaker side. I've had several of these done with no harm done to the pacemaker. I'm not sure the rules on the ultrasounds, but I've had several of those as well.

Good luck!

Echocardiogram is a US of heart

by janetinak - 2011-08-11 12:08:10

& after having had my umpteenth one last week I am sure it is not a problem for breasts. They just go under the breasts for the echo. And around the breasts, besides the breast, & well, you know what I mean, hah!


mammogram no probs!

by Hot Heart - 2011-08-14 04:08:11

Just tell them you have the pm, it didnt hurt at all. Was amazing to see the pm on the mammogram!

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