PM a week ago-How long till can lift left arm

How long till you can raise left arm above your head?


If its the same as ICD..

by ekt32 - 2011-08-26 08:08:02

I have an ICD and I don't know if its the same but I couldn't raise my arm above my head for one month. It got annoying, especially in the shower when I was trying to wash my hair! And the first time I raised my arm above my head, it felt so weird and like I hadn't stretched in years haha.

Someone with an actual PM might have better info, but I'm assuming its the same or very similar because you just don't want the leads to come loose on your PM like we don't with our ICDs and it takes a month for tissue to grow over the leads and hold them in place (sounds gross, I know!) When in doubt, call your doctor or your hospital's ICD/PM clinic.

Take care,


by Perceval - 2011-08-27 03:08:44


My doctor advised me not to lift my arm above my head for a few weeks. I agree with Emma that it is VERY frustrating when tryig to wash your hair - I had to go to the hairdressers for a wash and blow dry every time! However it is better than the leads coming loose! I got used to doing things with one arm in the end and it was such a pleasure to be able to lift my arm and eventually do things for myself.

Keep going!


6 weeks

by Tracey_E - 2011-08-27 10:08:43

Drs vary from 24 hrs to 2 months, but the average is 6 weeks.

I agree

by cazzbeth - 2011-08-30 06:08:54

I have been informed that 2 weeks the research shows that the leads embed well with scar tissue however my hospital and doctors told me to not do it before 4 weeks. I have read that leads can come out up to three months even though it is rare after the 6 week mark. I have decided to take it easy and not do it before 6 weeks. I would rather than that than go through the trauma of needing my leads re positioned.

3 weeks

by Kick - 2011-10-10 11:10:58

I had mine inserted Sept 16. I never had any serious pain with movement. It's a little over 3 weeks and I'm swinging a golf club with no pain at all. the first time I ran with it there was some bounce, so I quit. My doctor said 4 to 6 weeks, and I guess I'm rushing it.

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