lead loose?

hello everyone. I'm new to the site and glad i found it. I,m a new PM(SSS) recipient as of 3 months ago, and have to be honest, not doing so well with it. I was a very active swimmer, and was allowed 2 weeks ago to start back. Last week i was told that the bottom lead now requires more energy than 6 weeks ago. they will re-check in 6 more weeks(end of sept). Not sure what it will mean. Since my implant, I've had a very uncomfortable feeling starting at my sternum and ending in my throat, about at my adams apple area. I've also had strange sensations almost like i can feel my heart beating down in my upper left ribcage area. It comes and goes, and they have done recordings on my heart and they come back normal. anyone out there had anything similar?


Unanswered Qustions

by SMITTY - 2011-08-21 03:08:14


Oh, but the trials and tribulations some must endure once they get a pacemaker. They can have pain that never existed before they go the PM but when the Dr is asked for help the answer is likely to be "your pacemaker is working just fine and that is not your problem." Or there can be very uncomfortable, or even painful heart beats, and they tell the Dr only to again hear "your pacemaker is working just fine and that is not your problem." On and on it goes.

Okay, I'll stop being sarcastic.

Your problems may not be identical to some described here previously, but it they are close enough for government work. The increase in power requirement to the ventricle lead could be normal because the original power setting was too low. Or, it could be that the lead tip, for whatever reason, is not making as a good a contact with the heart wall as anticipated and the poor contact can be overcome with increased power input. Or it could be a damaged lead, but I would put that possibility at the very bottom of list right now. I gather you didn't get much of an explanation when told there was a need for an increase in energy to the ventricle. Not having things fully explained is normal, unfortunately.

As for the uncomfortable feeling in your sternum that could be from several things associated with the PM. The most often cause is stimulation of a nerve from "stray" current from the PM to the heart. The PM generates an electrical impulse; sends it to the heart to make the heart chamber contract, thereby causing a heartbeat. All of that energy is supposed to be expended in that heart chamber. Sometimes (I'm not sure anyone can tell us exactly why this happens) some of that energy will escape and impinge on a nerve and cause discomfort or pain as you describe or as other describe in various ways.

The fact that it comes and goes leads me to think that since you have a PM for SSS, yours is an on demand PM. By that I mean it works on as needed, or in other words when it detects that your heart's natural PM is not sending the impulse to give you a heartbeat. So the off and on again discomfort is happening only when the new PM is having to send an impulse. In the final analysis I think the only place you can get answers to your questions is from your Dr.

Good luck to you,


lead loose

by swimguy - 2011-08-21 04:08:57

thanks smitty. since this is all new to me, I'm not sure what 's going on. I guess some of this will work out in time. I enjoy the website very much.

thank you so so much Smiity!

by Lisarose - 2011-08-21 05:08:21

Two seconds after posting my concern i saw your reply, Smitty, to Swimguy, wow it sounds similar to my situation! I am a nurse and the nerve cocept makes total sense... again, thankyou, and thanks to Swimguy for posting, Hope all are doing well! I really appreciate this site :).

same issues

by devonstarr - 2011-08-23 04:08:54

I just had my pm put in on 8/17 and am having almost the same exact symptoms. Docs said that the top lead could be loose or it could just be swelling. They are taking a wait and see attitude. In the meantime, they turned the pace rate down so I do not feel the symptom you describe as "my heart beating down in my upper left ribcage area" as intensely. Too bad the dizziness that prompted the pm in the first place is back with the lower pace rate...

Wondering what model your pm is? Medtronic SureScan by chance?

Discomfort too.

by climber - 2011-08-25 10:08:07

I had my PM fitted (UK) last October for type 2 av block. I had not signs of av block before I was told, it just showed up on a 24hr tape test. Since it was fitted I've had pain & discomfort every day 24/7. Can't get no answers from the PM docs or techs. I'm now after an 2nd opinion about getting it removed. Pain etc felt in the sternum chest area with heavy heart beats. I also get discomfort in my calf muscles, all since the operation. I was 49 years old fit & active (running, rock climbing etc) when it was fitted. Quality of life has taken a dive since operation. Don't take no for an answer!

Pacer/Arm Pain

by mstone - 2011-09-20 05:09:29

Hi Gang...Im glad to hear that im not the only one that gets these symptoms and feelings... I thought I was going CRAZY.... I get that froggy feeling in my throat alot- I also have ALOT of discomfort in the pacer area and under my arm as well.... Its difficult to even sleep on my left side at night - I had mint put in for SSS as well. I just figured that with time (march of 2010) I would feel better by now... I will get a cold, numbess down my arm at times, and shooting type pain over my device at times as well. Anybody ave any feedback on this? Thanks and best of luck to you all.

You know you're wired when...

Your old device becomes a paper weight for your desk.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.