Total Gym XLS

I am 3 weeks post op (05SEP11) and the nurse I saw for my two week followup told me NO Total Gym for upper body exercise! I am still in shock as this was never mentioned prior to the implant. Are there any folks out there that use a Total Gym and do upper body workouts, and if so can you provide me some ideas on cards used, or specifics (not that I will overdo it). I just want/need to get back on track before I end up back to square one.

Thanks for any input as I am new to this new lifestyle. Feels good, I just don't want to mess it up by doing the wrong workout program.

Many thanks for any thoughts or ideas.... PCU


what is Total Gym?

by Tracey_E - 2011-09-05 02:09:41

I'm not sure what Total Gym is, but some drs are more restrictive than others. I'd start with asking the DR, not the nurse, sometimes the nurses give out wonky information. And clarify that they meant forever or until you are done healing, she may have meant just for now. Most of them agree no exercises that involve lifting more than few pounds or raising your arm above shoulder level for approx 6 weeks until you are healed. After that most drs don't put any restrictions on us. There are a few who say no heavy weights and avoid things like bench presses and pull ups that would strain the chest muscles but they are the minority.

I'm on my 4th pm now and am very active, both cardio and lifting weights. Six months ago I took it a step further and started boot camp. My dr has never given me any restrictions and has actively encouraged me to life a normal full life. After reading here about others with restrictions, I've asked more specific questions about some of the more strenuous exercises I do and have been told again to do whatever I want. So I do :o)

Total Gym XLS Details

by PCU - 2011-09-05 03:09:59

The Total Gym is a resistance type piece of equipment that has been on the market for years. Chuck Norris has a reputation for his endorsement of the product along with Christie Brinkley. They're both on TOP shape for their age. is the site that promotes the model I recently purchased. I am not endorsing this product, just that I dropped some $$ on this and do not want to shelf it. Thank you TracyE for your reply and maybe this will give you an idea of the various exercises I want to continue with.


by Parrothead57 - 2011-09-05 04:09:52

I have seen the total gym advertised on TV. Keep in mind your leads need time (at least 4-6 weeks) to properly attach to the heart wall. This means restricted arm movement on the side of the pacer. No reaching above the shoulder and no lifting over 10 lbs.

I waited a full 6 weeks before returning to upper body weights and 8 weeks for anything reaching above the shoulder.

Ask your doctor for more specifics on time frame.
Take care,

6 week rule

by biceps72 - 2011-09-05 07:09:34

no lifting for 6 weeks is the general rule. As an avid lifter I didn't like this restrction BUT the time went by quickly as I did cardio until the 6 week time mark,

6 weeks isn't that long actually. I hardly lost any strength and it is quicklu coming back-- I am 90% of my pre PM strength level-- I had an implant 6/7/11.

Just started back

by turboz24 - 2011-09-05 11:09:08

I had an ablation for Vtach, ticker didn't like getting burned so took a while to recover.

I tend to loose a lot of strength and in the last 4 weeks, probably lost 30% and dropped 10 lbs, but that's what I tend to do when I lay off working out.

I've been given no restrictions on what I can do weight lifting wise. My EP knew I was an avid weight lifter before I got my ICD.

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