
I have just found out that my pacemaker is a sorin Esprit and woondered if others with the same make can give me anymore info? are there certain things that can interfere with it that i should avoid? are the leads easy to accidentally displace during the first 6 weeks? any advice would be greatly appreciated!!



by Tracey_E - 2011-09-16 11:09:55

I don't have the same type of pm but interference and healing are the same for all of them. It's unlikely to dislodge a lead after the first 48 hours, however it's recommended that we take precautions for 6 weeks. That's the average, some drs say as little as 2 weeks, others say as long as 3 months. During that time, don't lift and avoid raising your arm above shoulder level. Be sure to move and use your arm, however, so you don't get a frozen shoulder.

About the only thing that will interfere most pm's is a large magnet. They are very well shielded so we don't generally need to take precautions around common household appliances and electronics. We can't arc weld and we have to be careful if we tour a power plant. Just about anything else is ok!

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