New at this

Hi Everyone! I'm new at this pacemaker thing (8-15-11) and new at posting to a forum. And if I don't reply to a posting please don't think too unkindly of me as I have no internet at home so only sporadically check in.

I have been feeling a bit as though I was the only one around with a pm, even though I knew I wasn't, so it has been wonderful to find this site and read about others with implants.

My biggest concern is exercising. I didn't want to wait too long and have to start back at square one with my workouts. I started cardio basically right away and did some of the lower body weight machines but laid off on the upper body ones. It seems like it has been okay. Today I felt a bit funny on the Arc Trainer but just toned it down. I may need to get a personal heart rate monitor because the ones on the machines seem weird or maybe that's me. I'll be up around 136 maybe then while still working it will say 109 or less in a short time.

Is my heart getting a work out or does the pm make that impossible? Also I just started doing some upper body weights but do feel nervous about it.

PS - does anyone else feel like they can't stand to touch their pacemaker? It feels creepy to me.




by ElectricFrank - 2011-10-02 02:10:14

Whatever feels OK to you should be fine. Did the mention a restriction to not lift your pacer side arm above shoulder level for a few weeks? This is common and not a bad idea.

The heart rate monitor problem is common. The pacemaker produces an unusual wave form in the ECG and many monitors can't properly sync to it. Even some of the personal monitors have a problem. They often read either double or half the actual HR at times. The kind that uses a light beam through a finger are the most reliable.

If you haven't had your first checkup it's likely your pacer is set to the factory default settings. Since they have to use settings that are safe for patients that aren't in the best of shape, those of us who are fit get the short end of things. You should be able to have your first programming session soon. If not call and ask.

Once adjusted for you things should be pretty much normal as far a workouts. Since getting mine in 2004 I've been Jeeping and hiking at 13,000' with no problems.

welcome to the forum,


Forgot to comment

by ElectricFrank - 2011-10-02 02:10:14

The pacer won't bite! Some folks are more creepy about such things than others. I had mine replaced recently and remained wide awake during the whole thing. I have the old one in a bottle on my desk.

You might browse the photo gallery here on the site. Some of us have posted pictures of our implant sites.


by Tracey_E - 2011-10-02 12:10:41

I've never found a hrm that works! They either pick up the pm signals as well as beats so the number is too high, or the pm signal interferes and it shows 0. The machines at the gym seem to be totally random to me, sometimes a number just pops up. I go by how I feel. If I am sweating and able to talk but not sing, I assume I'm beating fast enough for me and I know I'm getting a good workout. I only stop to count if I feel dizzy or suddenly tired. As Frank mentioned, it may take a few tweaks to get the settings right because the factory defaults aren't always good for someone young and active.

Hold off on upper body weights until you get past 6 weeks. After that, anything goes.

You know you're wired when...

You have a 25 year mortgage on your device.

Member Quotes

Sometimes a device must be tuned a few times before it is right. My cardiologist said it is like fine tuning a car.