New mom with new PM

hi everyone,
i finally went ahead and got my PM on 10/25. My cardiologist had been pushing for it but i resisted for a while-- since the pauses were mainly happening at night. I guess when he told me the pauses could become permanent i got on the PM bandwagon! Also, i have a lovely little 6 month old girl.

So far, so good with the recovery. I tried to go to work today and that was probably stupid. I turned around before I got to the subway. Too tired, don't feel like myself. It's only been 3 days.

I also have a stabbing pain that comes and goes under my left breast. Has anyone else had this? It made sleep last night very difficult, as much because of anxiety as anything else.

My other main question is with regard to my daughter. She weighs 16 pounds. Right now I am too sore to lift her, but I am wondering what any other parents of small children's advice is in terms of caring for babies?? Is it safe to lift her mainly with R arm and just use L arm for guide or back up?? I can't go 4 weeks without picking her up. Also, any thoughts on stroller use?? Too much pushing??

Thanks, everyone.



by DybHen - 2011-10-28 03:10:53

I run a daycare out of my home and my doc told me two weeks before I could go back to work. Although after I started I was scolded for lifting over 10 pounds. Obviously he did not realize what my job entailed. Anyhow, I lifted after 2 weeks and everything stayed put.


by Tracey_E - 2011-10-28 12:10:05

Check with the dr about the stabbing pain. It's probably just part of healing but best to make sure.

Take your time going back to work, we all vary in when we feel up to it again. The surgery is minor but remember your body was struggling for probably months before you got it.

Your daughter, you got it! Use the right for the lifting and the left for balance. Until you feel a little less sore, it's best to have someone hand her to you or sit on the floor with her.

Pushing the stroller should be ok as long as you feel up to it but be careful getting her in and out, or better yet have someone else do it for now if she's squirmy (aren't all 6 months old squirmy? lol). It's good to use the left arm and be active, just be careful about lifting weight and not to raise it above shoulder level.

Welcome to the club. If you have more questions, don't be shy.

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