
Hello everyone I have still not had the defibulator implant done. I'm thinking very possibly in November. I'm still dragging my feet just not sure what to expect. I have been told the defibulator has to be implanted on the left side although I have made it clear that I'm left handed. I guess I'm just a bit nervous.


left hand

by mickeyg - 2011-10-10 02:10:11

I have a icd . i got it put in on the right side has i am left handed . and the doctor was ok with it has i told him i need my left arm to return to work . you can pick the side you want it .good luck .

me too

by Laben - 2011-10-10 03:10:12

My DF is on my right side under the muscle and I am right-handed, no problems.

The ohter guy

by clarcona9 - 2011-10-11 12:10:56

I too am left handed and have an ICD onthe left side. Not a big deal. The stock it puts out is god awful.
If you have a fib make sure it is set for that. I do and
the device was to be set for a-fib a year and half ago. It was set 10/04/2011 But I was stocked about 20 times during that time period.

Left Handed

by - 2011-10-13 09:10:29

I had a duel chamber put in on 10/4/11. My doctor made it clear that it was to be placed on the right side as I am left handed. He said it was much safer on the right as I stood less chance of pulling the leads out. Getting the IV put in was the most pain of the whole thing. I was awake during the entire operation. All I felt was a little pressure on my chest as thr doctor did his thing. I had to stay 24 hours to make sure of no blood leakage. Only took 3 pain pills and fell better than I have in 5 or more years.

You know you're wired when...

You invested in the Energizer battery company.

Member Quotes

Just because you have a device doesn't mean you are damaged goods and can't do anything worthwhile and have to lie down and die. In fact, you're better and stronger. You're bionic!