I finally got a date

I finally got my tentative date of Oct 27 9 am. If all goes right I should go in the morning of the 27 th spend the night and return home the afternoon of the 28th.


All the best

by jane32 - 2011-10-15 05:10:40

You will feel so much better after you have had it done. Give yourself time to get over the procedure and then you won't know the new you. Let us know how it goes.

Regards Jane

I`m the Day After You

by Peterdotcm - 2011-10-18 02:10:26

Mine is one day after yours!  Oct. 28th!  My first, and I also expect to spend one night in the hospital and return home the next day.  Im not looking forward to it!  But I really hope I`ll feel better afterwards.  I`m having my PM installed due to bradycardia and some arrythmias.  I really hadn`t been symptomatic but my low heart rate seemed to scare the docs.  We`ll compare how we`re doing. After reading some of these posts, though, I`m becoming more apprehensive about the pain and soreness at the site that it seems I`ll most likely have. i was hoping to be able to return to work in a few days, and was hoping that I`d be able to drive shortly... but i keep reading about problems and issues that people have, so maybe I should resign myself to what it will really be like.  Not entirely sure what to expect.

My biggest fear is not the pain and soreness, but the psychological effect having the PM will have on me.  If I were married or in a relationship, I probably wouldn`t be fretting it as much. I just got out of a 10-year relationship and am facing the procedure and recovery alone.  So, I`ll have to turn to friends and family.  I`m just thinking that I`ll be newly single with this thing sticking out of me that will cause me to be viewed as a "cardiac cripple."

I hope that it won`t be as big of a deal as it now feels like.

Good luck to you!

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