Hello all

I had the defibrillator implanted on Thursday the 27th was suppose to come home on the 28th however I formed a hemotomia and had to return to the special procedures room where it was first done so the dr could take care of the hemotomia as a result I came home yesterday afternoon before the snow storm had to believe a snow storm in Oct. The Dr prescribed oxicodone so far haven't need to use them. I think I have the same fear as some of you have expressed just hoping the leads stay where they belong.


Hello :)

by Milli - 2011-10-31 10:10:51

I had a hemotomia in my arm pit about a week after I had a my pacemaker implanted.
I phoned the hospital when I noticed the random lump and they told me to come back in after the Dr looked at it he just sent me home and told me it will just go down and it did. My leads have also stayed in place perfectly.

So if you do what your Dr tells you, and really take it easy I'm sure you will be absolutely fine!
take care!
Milli xx

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I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.