breathing trouble

I am a 27 year old female who just had a pacemaker put in on October 7. Everything is healing really well and while I am not in pain, I am having some trouble taking deep breaths. It feels like someone has knocked my breath out of me. Has anyone else experienced this? I am still on some pain meds and it doesnt feel this way when I take those, but I obviously can't take those the rest of my life. I am little and didn't know if my body just has to get used to the pm being in my body. Any help would be great!


Check it out

by sln - 2011-10-17 03:10:42

Hi, my lung got punctured when my pacemaker was put in and I was told that complication is more likely in people who are slender, like I am, or small since the lungs are squeezed in the ribcage a bit and the tops extend higher up near where the leads are being poked around. In my case they noticed it on my X-ray the next day, and I also started having trouble breathing then, kind of like you describe. I'm not sure how likely it is that you have that complication, but it can be very dangerous so I would definitely get it checked out immediately just in case if I were you. I mean really immediately, like call the on-call doc, don't wait until the office opens.


see dr

by jane32 - 2011-10-17 06:10:26

I agree with the other comments, get it checked out as soon as possible. I also had my lung punctured during procedure and found it hurt to breath and I was breathless, they picked it up when I had my xray the next morning. Don't hesitate to get it checked, better to be safe than sorry.

Regards Jane

breathing trouble

by riodog - 2011-10-17 10:10:40

I never realized so many people had their lungs punctured, I did too and was told it was very rare. I had CHF and they were going to do a heart cath and implanted a CRT-D instead on a Tuesday.They sent me home on Friday night because no one at the hospital caught the puncture and after being home for two hours I coughed and the CRT-D started zapping me. Called 911, woke my husband and by the time the ambulance got here, I was out of it and didn't get back home for about two weeks. Dr. said it caused a "large pneumothorax" his words, not mine, had the honking big chest tube and the whole works. I guess I was lucky to get back home. I too am small so maybe that was a contributing factor. It's silly, but it's good to know I'm not the only unfortunate person.



by Pookie - 2011-10-17 12:10:21

Glad to hear that everything is healing well but am a tad bit concerned about your breathing issue.

I truly think you should call your doctor right away and perhaps ask for a chest Xray as sometimes the risk of having pacemaker surgery (less than 1%) is that a lead can puncture the lung. My lead punctured my heart, but that is another story for another time.

Please....have yourself checked out by a doctor, it could be nothing, but at the same time it could be fluid built up and if so (emphasis on if) it could be treated right away.

Take care,

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