Rowing Machine

We are interested in purchasing a Rowing Machine but research indicates there are air machines and Magnetic Machines. Could we use a Magnetic Machine with a pacemaker?



by Tracey_E - 2011-10-17 05:10:02

It's probably fine but I would test it out before purchasing. Personally, I prefer the air machines, but that's just me.


by CMR - 2011-10-17 08:10:54

The air ones are pretty noisy that was why I was thinking the magnetic. Thanks so much though for answering!


by Tracey_E - 2011-10-17 10:10:35

I think the ones at my gym are Concept but I'm not positive. They're not noisy at all. I often chat with the people on either side of me while we all row. I've been battling shin splints so I've been doing a lot of rowing while the rest of the class runs!

Ok, gotta love google, it's the gym version of this one

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