Wire removal recovery

My recovery is going very well. Still super sore but pain medicine is helping and I have the worlds best parents to help me do just about everything. Feeling better everyday! Today I feel well enough to go to my aunts for easter dinner :) hope everyone has a wonderful easter.



Good deal

by Rodlyn - 2012-04-09 01:04:35

Happy Easter to you. Glad your recovery is going well. I am not looking forward to having a wire change. Mine are 17 years old!

RE; Good Deal

by ellie100 - 2012-04-09 08:04:00

I didn't have my pacer wires removed, i had wires wrapped around my breastbone from heart surgery. Thats what they removed. thanks.


You know you're wired when...

You’re officially battery-operated.

Member Quotes

One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.