Recovery Times

I had a dual chamber Medtronic Pacemaker implanted on 7 October 2011.  Everything went real well and I did not have to take any pain meds after surgery.

I have had some soreness until last night and today; the area around the implant hurts more than at any other time.  I’m not sure if I slept on it the wrong way or what and at times it seems to skip. I hope I haven’t screwed something up.

That’s all I would need as I have a hip implant that has been recalled - The De Puy.  

I have a question for the forum:  has anyone had a major surgery while having the pacemaker?  I have sick sinus syndrome, congestive heart failure, one prior heart attack, arrthymia after the hip implant, and now hip surgeon says may have to replace hip implant.  I’m not sure I can handle it.  Opinions please.



Pacer no problem

by ElectricFrank - 2011-11-02 01:11:09

The pacer doesn't mind whether you are awake or not. It just keeps doing it's job. If there are any concerns it would be the congestive heart failure. The pacer should handle the rest.

Sorry you may have to go through the hip replacement again. From what I hear they aren't much fun.

best wishes,


Hi Richard

by janetinak - 2011-11-02 12:11:55

sounds like you need to call the Cardio doc in the AM & get the word on what is going on with the soreness. Hopefully it is a minor issue. But won't know of course until you call & hopefully get seen. Saying I know that you are stressed about the thought of surgery with your PM. So I want to tell you that I had both knees replaced (6 wks apart) with the PM & the PM didn't seem to care at all. Everybody knew I had it & I needed a clearance from my Cardio doc before could do the knees. I am so sorry about you needing another hip. That is always so scary when they come out with these recalls. It has been 9 yrs since I got my new knees & now they are talking about some brands of knees being recalled. OMG, worse than having my car recalled!

Let us know how it goes,


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I'm a runner, mountain climber, kayaker, snow skier, bicycler and scuba diver. The only activity among those that I'm not yet cleared to do is scuba diving, and when I am cleared, I'll be limited to diving to 50 feet.