battery replacement

Hi ,
I just had my first replacement battery put in and I'm so upset! I think it looks so much bigger then the original and it seems like the wires are sticking out. I've talked to my doctor and he has suggested going back in and placing it under the muscle. I am 45 years old and active and I guess I am a little vain but I hate having this right on my chest. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. I am wondering how different it will look. Does it really hide the battery if it is under the muscle? Is it worth it? I see my doctor on Monday to discuss this.
Thank you!


Not noticeable -

by djwalksalone - 2011-11-09 01:11:06

Mine is into the muscle and cannot be seen at all - (St Jude PM) - when mine was implanted I was totally out - lots of pain in the beginning at site area - now gone only pain I have is right at the heart and going in today to have that checked..

Size of pacer

by ElectricFrank - 2011-11-09 02:11:39

My new Medtronic Adapta is a bit larger than the original Kappa. As I understand it they did this to make room for a slightly larger battery.

I also notice from your profile that you have an ICD. They tend to be quite a bit larger than a pacemaker.

As far as implanting it under a muscle I suspect it would depend on your build. For a very thin person it would seem that the muscle would just have a bump on it. The other thing to consider is that there is more likelyhood of discomfort with exercise with it under a muscle. Every contraction of the muscle would squeeze the device against the underlying rib cage. I'm just guessing though. At 81 I don't care how it looks.


Me Too

by Peterdotcm - 2011-11-09 07:11:26

I had my Boston Scientific put in under the muscle less than 2 weeks ago, and it hardly shows at all. But also, as to what Frank said, above, I do notice that the only time I even know it's there and feel it at all is when I'm walking on my treadmill. Then I can definitely feel it. You might want to ask about that.


Another Surgery?

by MSPACER - 2011-11-09 09:11:09

I would think twice about letting the surgeon open up the pocket again, taking it out and re-implanting it. The risk for infection is always there. Unless it is causing you extreme pain and you cannot function, just leave it alone. I had a similar issue with my replacement. The adapta pacemaker seems a little bigger than the Kappa, and the surgeon did not stitch it down so it moved around a little. I complained to my regular cardiologist, and he told me to just leave it. It was not worth the risk of getting an infection with another surgery. I'm 48 and and an avid bicyclist. I'm not crazy about the way it looks, but I took my doctor's advice, and just let it be.

Hardly Noticeable!

by DawnM - 2011-11-09 11:11:32

I'm 39 and had my PM implanted in May of this year, submuscular. Mine is a Boston Scientific and not an ICD, but it is barely noticeable, even in a swimsuit or tank top. The healing takes a bit longer, but in my opinion, well worth it.

You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

Member Quotes

To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!