Cardiomyopathy and Exercise

I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy over a year ago and have had a PM for about 11 months. I have been getting some mixed messages from my doctors on the amount of physical exercise that I can engage in. I would like to know what others have been told about getting back to full exercise and how soon. I would appreciate anyones comments


Have a good read through my pistongs

by gulliver80 - 2012-01-30 04:01:24

Hi Jeff

This was the dame question I had - the cardios seem to have varying views on this topic but in all honesty, I do what I feel (even though my cardio freaks out when he knows what!)

I swim, jog/run but most of all I cycle, normally three spin classes a week (as the weather here in Edinburgh is quite cold!) and on a Saturday morning get fully wrapped up and head out with my cycle buddies, normally for a 50 mile cycle. Don't get me wrong, sone days I feel awesome, others not so however I am sensible with it. I know when to stop. I have obstructive cardiomyopathy with an iCD. The device paces at 61 as standard, alot better than the resting rate of 28 before implant. After 6 monthly visits (since July) the device is defo doing it's job, showing up numerous events bit has never went off.


by Selwyn - 2012-01-30 06:01:52

Not all cardiomyopathies are the same. If you have the hypertrophic type ( that is where the heart muscle thickens) there is a risk with a brisk heart contraction of it obstructing the outflow from the heart - the risk is of sudden death ( hence the iCD implant). Generally, this not a good thing - to have the heart stopping. Hence the advice to avoid exercise that could cause this. The echocardiogram can tell you how obstructed the outflow tract from the heart is and the risk. Beta blockers reduce the risk. Have known a 17 year old drop dead from his bicycle with undiagnosed hypertrophic disease.


by Jeff - 2012-01-31 11:01:39

Thanxs everyone for your input I will get with my doctor and get more information on why they are conflicting. Good luck all.

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