
Hello I have a dual lead pacemaker sigma 300. I was wondering what kind of upper body lifts I can do without damaging my leads. My doctor said not to do bench press, pushups, or military press so i guess im wondering what you guys do?



I do it all

by DybHen - 2011-11-13 05:11:23

I do it all, with the exception of a pull-up. I don't not do pull-ups for fear of pulling out my leads, I just don't do them.

after 6 weeks....

by biceps72 - 2011-11-13 11:11:51

you can do them all. Start out very light do all chest , back, shoulders arms etc. See what feels good or what doesn't hurt. Your doctor telling you not to bench or do military presses or pushups is simply wrong!!!! wait 6-8 weeks and experiment. There are a lot of weight lifters here and most do ALL exercises.

I do them all after 8 weeks post Pm implant.

in time

by kate1615 - 2011-11-14 11:11:35

I'm one year post PM, and a 50yo female. While I'm not as buff as the guys in the gym, I don't hesitate to do pull-ups (assisted), bench press, pushups, or any other upper body exercises. I'm not the least aware of my PM while working out.

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