Swimming with a pacemaker

I received my pacemaker on July 28, 2011. I am an avid competetive swimmer, but when my resting pulse rate got down to 37 bpm, a cardiologist and an ekg test indicated a 3rd degree heart block. I have been back swimming for about 4 weeks now (I had to take some additional time off for another minor surgical procedure which prevented me from getting back in the water), but walked about 1 hour 5-6 days per week while waiting to return to the pool.

Since starting swimming again I’ve noticed some swelling in my upper right arm area when I work out, but it subsides pretty quickly after stopping. I am swimming about 2-3 seconds slower per 100 yards when compared to before my surgery. My question is is the swelling in my arm normal? Also should I expect to improve as my fitness level gets better or should I anticipate being a bit slower since receiving the pacemaker. So far I haven’t really pushed anything real hard as I don’t feel my fitness is back to being close to normal.


See The Dr.

by SMITTY - 2011-11-21 10:11:30

Hello Bfish,

My opinion is the swelling is not normal. In fact I think we should never be aware that we have a pacemaker from the standpoint of the surgery or the way it helps our heart. I know the only evidence there was for my first PM was a very thin 2 to 3 inch scar. My second is more visible and is uncomfortable. As I write this the implant site feels like I have a pissant gnawing away, but he usually leaves after a few minutes only to return when he decides to do so. But I have leaned after 11 years that we are all at the mercy our Dr, their surgical skills and knowledge of pacemakers and believe me they are not all equal.

Do I sound like I'm a little peeved at what I have now, well that is no mistake. But trying to get relief is about as hopeless as anything I'll ever see.

As for you I suggest that you see your Dr as sometimes these things are correctable and the Dr will care and have the skills to do so.

Good luck to you,



by ElectricFrank - 2011-11-22 01:11:51

I take it that your pacemaker is implanted on the right side. It is just under your skin or deeper under a muscle?

Any of those areas get a pretty good workout during swimming. Just moving the pacer around under the skin can irritate things a bit. It's only been about 4 months since you had the implant. As I remember it on my original implant it took 6 mo to a year before nothing seemed bother it. Mine was a bit sore after running an electric jack hammer in my yard one weekend.

I would expect your swimming times to be affected a bit just from going easy on the arm for a while.


You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

Yesterday I moved to a new place in my mind and realized how bad I felt 'before' and the difference my pacemaker has made.