Brit in Bulgaria

Hi,for those who like to get out on the old back legs..Hi from Tattoo Man, here in Bansko, Bulgaria.
We are here for ten days , in our bijou studio, with views of the Pirin Mountains, right now with big snow, almost too much , even for the Boarders.
For me a run a day from 1000meteres (lets say 3300 feet up the Pirin is good enough..snow is a prob though. I know this Forum does not condone promotion of product, but try this ..personal safety and health are the issue here.
Stay with me oh Ciy Fathers
Magic Spikers, strap these babies on and sprinting on ice is aceivable.
If you deliver Mail, Food , or just walk the dog, these may be the difference between you , fun , freedom and the orthopedic ward with a busted collar bone.
Other spiky shoe things are available, always use the little safety strap or you lose the spiky thing and end up running in circles for the rest of time

Snow, ice..woo. hoo..get out and run

Tattoo Man


Too scared to stay here eh ?

by IAN MC - 2012-02-06 03:02:02

Hi T-M You emigrated to Bulgaria to escape the 5 inches of snow that we've had here presumably. British snow is much better quality than the Bulgarian stuff !

Have a great time

Brit Snow...Pah !!

by Tattoo Man - 2012-02-07 12:02:29

Ian,yeah, I've seen on tv that the Homeland has been visited by Angels with sugar shakers..and so pretty it looks in Bansko you can buy cakes with more white topping than that !!
There are cars that have two feet of snow on the roofs, these conditions do not deter the locals from driving at speeds that would have daunted Timo Maakinen in the 70's.
You read it here day a Bulgarian driver will win a Formula One GP,..and it may well be in a Skoda Yellow Cab.

Stay vertical out there !!

Tattoo Man

You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.