Patience Patient

Thanks Pookie and Cindy, this is better than quietly worrying on your own.
Definitely not an Auricle but an Atrium! This is the kind of thing my brain is doing at the mo. Not functioning. Get breathless having conversations. My children think I am nuts as I forget things all the time.
Phoned for an appointment with the cardio and was told to go to my GP or the Emergency room as "My Doctor is very busy this week". Cant get past the receptionist.
Still burning/tingling up my neck and into my shoulder/inner arm, dizziness and tight throat - all in waves.
Wondering if I am being hyper-vigilant, is it in my head? Hmmmmm.
Either I wait for my appointment on the 11th or consider a new cardiologist.
Back to school on16th. Need this sorted by then.



by donr - 2012-01-03 12:01:50

Shirley: How's that for an answer to your series of questioins? Every single one of them.

1) start w/ the simplest solution first - IT is physical, not psychosomatic. Physical should be ruled out first because it can be tested for & ca be measured, Psychosomatic canot. So press onw/ getting in to the cardio, by all means. Take that appt on the 11th - it's only a week away.

2) save the ER as a true emergency - unless you run into a cardio there who knows PM's the cannot do much for you.

3) What about your GP - is he/she any good? Have a sympathetic ear? Might be needed if the problem is in the mind (anxiety).

4) Leme at your kids -you are NOT NUTS!!!!!

5) Start geting ready for a new cardio - the current one is a loser - or at least his staff is.

6) Unfortunately, all the symptoms you have can be either proucts of the PM & its implant procedure OR anxiety issues. Every one of them. When you said "...waves..."you used a very comon descriptive term associated w/ anxiety symptoms.

7) Please don't say " my head." That implies to people that you are mentally in trouble. "Anxiety" is a much better term & less suggestive of serious problems. It is also much more accurate in describing your problems.

8) BTDTWTTS! I've suffered anxiety problems for nearly 40 yrs, so I can write the book on it. (Courtesy of PTSD brought home from Viet Nam) It is a product of your sub onscious mind & can do ALL of the things you mentioned. It ca darned near mimic any disease symptoms you nae - ESPECIALLY those of heart /PM patients.

9) Be glad to amplify on anxiety & PM's if you want - gotta get to work.


Another thought ask to speak

by janetinak - 2012-01-04 02:01:22

with the Dr's nurse. I have found that sometimes the Dr & his professional staff have no idea what the receptionest is saying. Worth a try anyhow. Failing that I'd go to the ER & tell them you can't get in to see the Cardio & try & get them to call him in for a consult.

Good luck,


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