Can I

This is my second pacemaker within the last 10 years. I want to become more active in exercising. I am nervous about doing this. Can someone help me?



by SMITTY - 2011-12-07 02:12:31


For starters check with your Dr to see what exercise your heart condition, or other health problems, prohibit. If he says none, you are almost there as about the only thing I know of that you should not do is activity where you risk getting a hard blow on the PM site. A hard blow will not harm the PM but it will hurt yon and if hard enough it could damage the leads.

All of this is based on the assumption the incision is well healed since your last PM implant.



by donr - 2011-12-07 05:12:15

Smitty gave you a good answer. I recall your last post from a few days ago, so know your history a bit. I feel free now to add a bit of comic relief.

Be glad to help you exercise. I've got this 750 lb gorilla that likes to rassle. Give me your address I'll send it over. You will either learn to run fast or sign up for the WWF championships next yr!


Just do it

by Tattoo Man - 2011-12-08 03:12:12


1...check with Doctor

2...have a plan

3...Any activity will be good for you

4...There is no medicine in the world that will give you the 'spring in your step' that exercise can.

5...Smile a gets no better than this !!

Take care...Tattoo Man


by Shalock - 2012-12-16 08:12:16

I have always sweated, but since receiving a pacemaker I sweat more. Does having a pacemaker make a person sweat? If so, what can I do?

Also, I have been having pain in my left shoulder and upper arm. What can I take to help with the pain?

You know you're wired when...

You are always wired and full of energy.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker since 2002 and ever since then my life has been a total blessing.