I finally have a date and it is ways of but April 13th a friday. Perhaps this iwll be my luck day


Hi raiderralph!

by jobal - 2012-03-09 06:03:48

I tried to comment on your other post but it didn't go through, I don't know why? I have what you have so my advice to you is watch your salt intake and if your on diretics don't let yourself get dehydrated. I feel alot better since I had my CRT-D installed. It took 3 hours because they had to syncronize the two heart chambers. I hope you the best. Keep in touch


Im sure it will be your lucky day

by jane32 - 2012-03-09 07:03:49

All the best for your surgery, let us know how it goes. I also had to wait quite awhile for my pm.


April 13th

by pezzypooh - 2012-03-10 01:03:27

Hi, RaiderRalph! I had my pacemaker implanted on April 13th,, we will have the same "birthday!" Congrats!

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