lead impedance

I have a bi-v St judes pacemaker. I am pacemaker dependent. I have had several dizzy spells and a few fainting/passing out incidents in the last month. St Jude tech says atrial lead impeded, Dr somewhat agrees. Lead "turned off", still occasional dizzy spells, but no fainting.

Dr says lead does not need to be replaced at this time, but down the road yes. I am seeking a second opinion. Any suggestions?


I think I'm in the same boat

by Pookie - 2011-12-21 10:12:27

At my last pacemaker interrogation one of my leads is draining my pacemaker battery at an alarming rate. 6 months ago I had 5-7 years left and now it's down to less than 3 years. So the PM Tech increased the threshold for the impedance (?) so that when my heart needs the assistance it will get it.

However, the PM Tech nor the EP who was called in during my interrogation couldn't tell me why this was happening but told me to come back in 3 months time. It could be anything from a build up of scar tissue at the tip of the lead or the lead could actually be fractured.

My point is this: why wait 3 months??????? I want and need to know NOW what the heck is happening. A simple chest Xray could possibly show a fracture, so I had to go to my family doctor and she gave me a req for a chest Xray - just haven't had the time to go get it yet. And I want to (and think I deserve) to be able to sit down with my personal EP and discuss this - I called and found out he's on a leave of absence and they don't know when he will be returning. I asked to be seen by another EP and was told that they have full case loads and to just wait the 3 months for my next interrogation.

I am totally NOT satisfied with that and IF my Xray shows a fractured lead, I will personally show up at the PM Clinic (where all the EPs offices are) and demand that I'm not leaving until I get to discuss this with one of them.


I don't know your condition or why you needed a pacemaker to begin with, but why would they turn the lead off?????????

Did you leave satisfied with the answers they gave you? If not, get a 2nd opinion.

Unfortunately, it's not that easy here as everything has to go thru your family doctor then the EP decides when he will see you.

Good luck.

lead impedence

by giantjack - 2011-12-21 11:12:34

Pacemaker since '98 (2 lead).....Inserted to correct atrial fibriluation....ablation shortly after, rendering me dependent. Second pacemaker '06....bi ventricular....Cardiac resynchronization '06.Third pacemaker six weeks ago. After replacement I was told by St Jude tech that atrial lead was impeded, dizzy spells and fainting started shortly after that. Cardiologist not too concerned, says I don't necessarily need atrial lead since I'm paced by ventricals. He "turned off" the atrial lead, no more passing out, but dizzy spells continue.Not a comfortable condition, and not safe for driving, etc.
Scheduled to see EP this week...

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