Hi ... am due into the hosp. this Wednesday, the 11th, for a PM.  wed. 11th for PM.

I took my BP tonight and it was 135/94 BUT my pulse was 135. I’ve never been aware of pulse before, just my BP, because that is where I have a problem.

Going to cardio tomorrow am to check my INR and possible get Lovenox Shot.

Thanx INGA and DON for your responses to my posting.



Ger: I still don't understand...

by donr - 2012-01-10 09:01:06

...how a single Lovenox shot will help you out.

I've been on Coumadin for 9+ yrs keeping an INR between 2 &3. It really takes a couple days befrore your INR drops significantly when you stop taking the stuff. Lovenox is a TWICE a day shot to replace Coumadin.

SIDEBAR: recently, my INR got out of control - went to 7.6, unknowingly because I did not get tested for three weeks. That's dangerous! I ate 1.5 lbs of spinach over 48 hours & knocked it down to 3.6 that fast. Ever had a bedtime snack of a bowl of steamed spinach?

One dirty little secret I have heard from surgeons is that they will operate on you w/ an INR of up to 1.9.. As I recall, I had a lead replaced w/o ANY coumadin modification. other thangoing off it for three days. When had a shoulder repaired my surgeon insisted that I be at INR of 1 for that event.

Wonder if that's the reason for what you are facing.


by Ger - 2012-01-10 12:01:10

HI;;;; Just got back from Cardio office after INR testing and it was 1.7----Doc said NO LOVENOX as I have been 'therapudic' for such a long time, said that by tmorrow I'd probably be 1.3. Anyway, guess I'm headed to hosp. for surgery at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow.
Truthfully, I've never really understood all that stuff about the foods to be avoided or eaten----I do love spinach, though, and wouldn't mind a bowl of it at any time but I do not eat much of it anymore due to Warfarin.
Will be glad when this is all over.............. GER

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