How long?

I may have to have my heart fully dependent on my pacemaker, is anyone else in that position, seems very scarey to me.


Lot of Us Here!

by MORTSMOM - 2011-12-22 11:12:24

I am a 100% dependent, I give thanks that I have a CRT-D or I would be DEAD. No doubt, I had a Stroke, due to my hearts inability to pump blood. I have kidney damage, lots of negative things happen when your heat rhythem is not working properly.

The concept of No device is really scarey! Think what might and could happen if you do not have a device installed. Some times you just have to open your parachute on the way down. Choose your implant team carefully, ask questions that you want to know the answers. Keep visiting this site, you will overcome!


by janetinak - 2011-12-22 12:12:14

Hi mimgord,

There are several of us 100% dependent on here & I am one, since 2000. I was very afraid as having to be dependent on a "battery" as I told my EP how many times have you taken a flashlight out if the drawer & it was dead. Hah! I found out that the PM is just not a battery but a. computer that is very smart. When my 1st one went into elective replacement I found out my smart PM scaled back on several functions (rate response, etc) & altho a little annoying I could keep going for at least 90 days. It got replaced long before that. Now on #3. Others will probably tell you too that the heart has some function w/o the PM but in my case my b/min go down to 40. Not good but not quite dead. I am sure you will get a lot of support here. We were all afraid the 1st time & it does get better.


It can be scary...

by Heidiglassmeyer - 2011-12-23 01:12:25

But you keep on pacing :). Lol..
My AV node was completely ablated a few years ago during an ablation and when I woke up and found out that I was PM dependent I was frightened! I have 2 young children and at first was scared to do about anything. After joining this group I was able to learn about the unlikely possibilities that something would go wrong and I just moved on. Sure, from time to time I have anxiety about being in a car accident and something happening to my PM but.. If that happens, it's my time.
I, like most, don't dwell on it and I live a perfectly normal active life. I feel fortunate that they were able to find my issue and take care of it before it took me :)
Just because I'm dependent doesn't really change much except having to be checked frequently (which reminds me I'm several weeks late in calling in a check. Better get right on that) haha! Anyway, no worries, just make sure you give yourself time to heal properly.

Take care,

How Long

by slgeagle - 2011-12-25 12:12:01

Hi, I am another 100% dependent on my CRT-D. I very rarely give any thought to the fact that I am totally dependent. My emotional journey was more concern with being zapped again. And I seem to be over that fear. There is a learning curve with the CRT-D as far as what feelings are normal and when to give the doctor a call. I am four months into my CRT-D and feel great (finally).


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Member Quotes

At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!