Pain/stinging sensation??

I'm just wondering if this is something I should worry about? I'm 26yrs old and had my pacemaker put in 19 days ago. Felt great after followed by a blackout and complications. I've been home now for about 11 days and have been very worn out. I have brady/tachy syndrome My cardiologist ran a strip on my new BFF and my heart rate was 185bmp at rest. At times I can feel it pacing and at other times my heart flutters and feels like its going to explode. She started me back on a beta blocker to bring my heart rate back down. It seems to be helping so I've been a little more active. I've still been having chest pain on and off even after my surgery. But today I've been getting these stinging like pains shooting through my left breast, Down my left arm and my site and breast are tender to the touch. It feels like its moved.. Has anyone else ever experienced this?



by Vmurph - 2011-12-26 01:12:38

Hey thanks for the feedback !! I kept coming back to this site for information prior to my surgery. It seems like a good support community. I'll call my doc office tomorrow and see if I need to be seen before my next appt. thankyou for the advise

Better have it checked

by ElectricFrank - 2011-12-26 12:12:48

I take it that the pacer is implanted under a breast? You mention that it feels like it has moved. This can happen if the doc doesn't suture the pacer to the adjoining tissue as recommended by the implant instructions. If it moves around one of the rougher edges near the lead terminals can jab into sensitive tissue.

Be sure to check your temperature periodically in case you are developing an infection. Hot or inflamed skin around the incision can be a sign as well.

Generally a stinging pain has to do with local problems like these. However, with your brady/tachy history it would be a good idea to check it out with the doc.

I'm sorry to hear you are having problems. I like to see people getting off to a good start with their pacers.

By the way, welcome to the forum. Be sure to get back with us if you have more questions or comments.


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I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.