Exercise is Necessary ASAP!

Here is an excellent study conducted by Baylor Medical regarding the need for exercise to keep joints and muscles from atrophy:


Everyone should read this. While the study is limited, it points out that being over-restrictive after Pacemaker surgery may not be a good thing.



Very Interesting

by IAN MC - 2011-12-28 01:12:25

Thanks bikengolf. This helps address many of the concerns that people on this forum have expressed re arm-lifting after PM. I find it fascinating that there are such massive differences in the recommendations given to PM patients on discharge from different cardiology centres.

We need bigger studies to get definitive answers... I wonder how they got volunteers though ?



by mckate - 2011-12-28 11:12:51

Great article! Thank you for sharing.

Nice to have a study

by ElectricFrank - 2011-12-29 02:12:01

This is one of those things I have been questioning since I got my first pacer. A look at the the physics of the shoulder movement and weight restriction doesn't support the typical instructions.

Several of us on the forum have been concerned about the effect of immobilizing the shoulder can have.

By the way there is not only large differences between facilities and doctors in the instructions, there seems to be no evidence that the outcome is different.


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