Up Date On My SOB

Hello Folks,

Many of you have heard me pitching and moaning about being short of breath since back in the spring. Well after countless visits to doctors, I have finally gotten a diagnosis with pictures and confirmation from a second doctor. I have a sagging (or weak) diaphragm on the right side. Seems that (this is my understanding of what they told me and not their exact words) this condition keeps me from being able to inhale as much oxygen as I need for almost any type physical activity. I was aware that so long as I was sitting and doing nothing physical, I was not out of breath, but let me walk across the street and back (about 130') I would be looking for a place to sit for a few minutes. The good part is there are at least two surgical procedures that can partially or completely remedy the problem. But, the bad part is that at my age (78) and with the level of heart disease I have either surgery would be extremely high risk for me. In fact the doctor flatly stated that he would not recommend either of these procedures for me. So I will now be sleeping with an oxygen mask on and I am supposed to use O2 several times each day.

I guess you could say I was a little dejected when I got home, but when I think of it, my wife was told when I had my first heart attack (1982) to go ahead and let my family know because I probably would not live more than a few more days. I did live and two months later I had bypass surgery and was playing golf six weeks after that surgery. Then in 1985 things were trying to go south again and the good doctor told me I had at most 2 more years to live. I told him I didn't like that prognosis and his reply I'll never forget "Mr. Smith you are now 56 years old and do you realize that is 10 years more than the average life span in my country. (Pakistan)” I did explain to him that this was not Pakistan. I also decided I didn't like his out look on my life so he and I parted company. Then in 1970 I was having a bad go with congestive heart failure and the good doctor said with the stage of CHF you have (I don't even remember what the stage was) and your ejection fraction of 35 to 40% you probably have at most 6 months to live. I wrote that one off to her inexperience.

Just where I go from here I don't really know. I'm not about to give up. I could have done that too many times in the past, but losing just goes against my grain. I will start a supervised exercise program next week as I have been told that may help some. I expect to be around a while yet, but maybe not as frequent a visitor here as I have been in the past, but that can change too.

I will tell you about one thing, over which I have zero control, that will play a major role in what I do in the future. I met my wife in 1948 and we were married in 1949. It has been a marriage that we have enjoyed very, very much. And I'll make no bones about it, if it hadn't been for her I would not have survived the last 25 years. But she always knows the right things to say or do to keep me going. Well back in June she had a CT scan and a spot was noticed on her pancreas. It was a small spot but it had many of the characteristics of pancreatic cancer. She just had her follow up CT a couple of days ago and we are to get the report on Friday. The fact that she lost a brother and a cousin to pancreatic cancer is not in her favor as there is some evidence that this cancer does often follow family lines. So, people I am asking for your prayers that her report will be a good one.

I apologize for taking advantage of this site this way. But I have wanted to tell those of you that I feel like I know about as well as some members of my family, but there was just never a right time. I'll let you know what we learn in a lot less words.



Hi, Smitty,

by Gellia2 - 2007-10-10 04:10:03

You and your wife will be in my prayers. I have always enjoyed your extraordinarily thoughtful and knowledgeable replies to this site.
Hang in there. Prayer is a powerful thing and I think you will be having a lot of it coming your way by the people on this site.
Best wishes to you both,

What we are here for!

by hooimom - 2007-10-10 05:10:43


Don't apologize at all, you have never taken advantage of this site. You are looking for an ear, support and prayer and that is what we all look for here! We all appreciate the information and encouragement you have shared with us. You have answered more than one question I have had. You are your wife will both be in my prayers. It sounds like you two have a beautiful love story. What a blessing to share a happy life together!


You Have My Prayers!

by ela-girl - 2007-10-10 06:10:16

Hi, Smitty!

Well, I'm glad that you found a doctor who could finally give you some information about why you are feeling the way you are. That alone must have been a blessing. I know many people here consider you a blessing because your replies have been a source of comfort and knowledge to them. Wow--married for 58 years! That's great! The waiting must be driving you two batty. Just remember...God is the Great Healer and His ways are perfect even if we don't always understand them. I will lift you two up in prayer.

Be blessed by each other!


by jessie - 2007-10-10 07:10:29

hi there, it is not so bad to use it at night and only occasionly during the day. i will tell you better than surgery. you and your wife will be in our prayers. this site is for us and so don't feel bad if you need help. you have given endlessly to this site and many new people can look up answers that you in the past have answered. your knowledge has been appreciated way beyond words. so once again you and her are in my prayers jessie

You're in my thoughts...

by admin - 2007-10-10 08:10:31


Your words of wisdom and wit has helped many people on this site.

I encourage you to learn more about your condition and possible treatments. Also, you may want to get a second opinion. I've found through the years that never giving up is the only option. I know you have the same motto.

I will keep you in my prayers. Please keep us posted.


Hang in there.

by Stepford_Wife - 2007-10-10 09:10:13

Hi Smitty.

From reading your post, and all the many times you have been told you had so many months/years left to live, you haven't been defeated, and kept on surprising them all.
Who knows, may be in a former life, you were a cat, since you appear to have nine lives. ( ? )
Your strength and spirit, and knowledge and compassion have made you the site's favorite "counselor. "
I'm sorry to hear about your health problems, and I hope that they can be resolved soon.
Don't give up, you have the love and support of everyone.
I hope and pray that your wife's report will be the best.
My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
Take care,

~ Dominique ~

Thoughts and prayers are on the way...

by cottontop - 2007-10-10 10:10:56

I am sorry you are going through some rough times. As you already know they only make you stronger. You have given more words of wisdom than anyone on this site. I mean that!

Never give up! Believe me I know it sometimes easier said than done. I know you are a strong person. God has many more great things in store for you and your wife.I have received at least 4 miracles from God in my life ( medical situations ) and I know I don't deserve it but right now I am praying for 1 more. There is nothing like the power of prayer. I know there are many praying for you and your wife probably at this very minute. I will add you two to my prayer list.

Smitty, you have given so much support and hope to many people on this site that is time you let your "PM Family" give some of that support back to you. Take it easy for a while and please keep us posted about your wife. Up until 3 months ago I was sleeping with the oxygen every night. It helps a lot and was easy to get used to. Then had to us it 24hrs. a day. Esp. when up and doing activity. But by the grace of God, I do not have to use any oxygen at all now. Never thought I would see that day come.

What a wonderful couple you two sound like. I am lucky to have a great husband that has been with me for 33 years in more "sickness than in health" Ha! Ha!

Take care and my thoughts and prayers are with you both!

cottontop (Amy)

my two cents...

by bambi - 2007-10-10 11:10:04

I really can't say anything earth shaking, but I want you to know you are in my thoughts, prayers, and you have my "cyber" support and admiration! You've been through so much, and yet you are an inspiration to all of us on this site! Take care of wonderful you!

Thank you

by Suze - 2007-10-11 01:10:40

Thank you for sharing these things with us. In the past year since I've been on this forum (and implantables.com) you have helped me so much...even when you were commenting (in your honest and straightforward way) on another member's question or concern.
I wish I knew the perfect words now to help you. I do know how important it is to have a supportive and caring spouse (I've only had mine for 42 years) so it is great that you both have each other during this time.

You both are in my thoughts and prayers.


Smitty thanks for the update!

by tcrabtree85 - 2007-10-11 02:10:59

My prayers go out to you and your wife at this time. You always tell all of us that things will work out. Your right about that God is on your side and has done some pretty amazing things in your life. He has it all worked out and I am confident that things will work out. I hope that we will at least hear on occasion how you are doing.
Please send my love to your wife and many prayers area also going her way. God Bless the two of you!

Many love and Prayers,

My heart aches........

by auntiesamm - 2007-10-11 06:10:05

Hello My Dear Friend,

All of the responses to your posting tells you what a very special person you are and how much everyone loves and appreciates you. The past 18 months you have been "the rock" for me especially those first 3-4 months when I had so many questions. The time and effort you put into helping others is absolutely remarkable and I know comes from your heart. You have a very special God-given gift for touching peoples lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I know some of what you and your dear wife are going through. My hubby was in the hospital-ICU- three times since Aug. 03. He's home now on O2 24/7 and has a BiPAP machine with mask at night. His O2 levels have dropped into the 70s at times. He is on 2 litres of O2 and I monitor it with a pulse oximeter. It is good that you finally know why you are SOB and can treat it. I hope the O2 is all you will ever need.

It sounds like your wife found out about the spot on the pancreas pretty early if it is CA. I know it can be a very cruel disease. Please let us know when you get the results. As you have already read there are many prayers being lifted up for you and your wife. We've all seen miracles at the hand of our Lord. I hope you will find strength in all the love that is here for you. Take care, my friend, and God bless you and your wife. What is her name?


Smitty Hang tuff

by gldoble - 2007-10-11 12:10:16

We have yet to talk, however I think from all I have read that you have more than helped mny many people on this site d very probably through your life. You are a good man and a good soul.

I won't try to eulogize you here, because this is something we don't do to the living. We all have our time and I know very well your feelings towards your wife. Mine had 2 strokes right after I got my implant.
She is stron and a fighter. Not even 47 yet and sh's a fighter. She has given me the strength as have my kids to keep on keep'n on. So I do.

I only hope and pray that when all is said and done that you have enjoyed your long life. And should you ever care I would be honored to sit down and have a cup of coffee with you and share our tears.

Your new Friend


Thank You, Smitty

by Lou - 2007-11-24 06:11:41

You were the first to respond to my request for help when I found this web-site in early 2007 and I remain grateful for your honest, caring, wise and positive input as I'm sure so many other members do. You are a special soul, Smitty. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife at this challenging time. Embrace each other often as I do each of you in my heart ... Lou

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You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

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This is my second Christmas with my pacemaker and I am so happy to be with my family.