Swollen fingers when walking

Hi All,

Bi-ventricular pacer dec 2011. i have recently been walking (flat ground as cant manage hills) to get some exercise and stop me going stir crazy, walking approx 3 1/2 miles (just over an hour to do) but i have noticed that my fingers swell quite obviously when im walking. In addition my pm site really aches and feels like the device is protruding more come the evening.

Is any of this normal ?? Any thoughts much appreciated from a agitated, frustrated individual ;o(


Not too shabby!

by donr - 2012-03-01 11:03:27

Rufus: 3 1/2 MPH is NOT a shabby pace!

My experience walking is that my fingers ALWAYS swelled up. It is not unusual if you are walking at a steady pace continuously for an hour. Not just a comfortable stroll, like accompanying a wife shopping in a mall.

There is a reason for it - When you walk continuously, the action of the foot & leg muscles act as a pump & tend to move fluid UP - like into your hands. At least THAT is where you sense it. The fluid is distributed all over the body, but since the fingers are so small compared to the torso, you feel & see it there.

The unusual feeling you have at your PM site I cannot comment on.

Keep up the walking! It's good for you.


You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

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