
I have tried to add a picture of Dottie and me twice and all I get is the little square with the X for my efforts. It is a JPEG file and I think I have followed the instructions. Can anyone tell me where I am going worng.


Email me you photo

by admin - 2007-10-30 06:10:02


Please email me your photo and I will try to upload it. There may be another glitch.



by Peter.Nash - 2007-10-31 11:10:56

Great to see you and Dottie together at last.
you make a lovely couple.....does Dottie know you are frightened of her or don't you let her read you posts!! only kidding of course!!.
Nice to see you both a breath of fresh air in this day and age ....Peter

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I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.