Pain in left arm and chest

I hA
ad a dual pm put in 2 weeks ago, I have heard the leads can dislodge. I am still having some pain in my shoulder and below where the incision is. Has anyone else experienced this? I know I may be worrying for no reason but I sure do not want anything to go wrong now


I have some arm pain too...

by idgie - 2012-01-04 01:01:01

Hi Sharibee,

...And while I don't think it's anything to really worry about, I'm going to mention it to my cardiac nurse... just to be on the safe side. I think it's best we always call, you know?

No point worrying about something when we've got people to put our minds to rest.

PS. my pain usually happens after I do something with that arm that's probably not totally recommended, like lifting slightly over 5pounds with it. Like Don asked, have you been doing anything specific with your arm/hand?


by Sharibee - 2012-01-04 03:01:13

Thanks for all the comments. No it does not hurt as much as it did when it was first done .:) and I havent been swinging from my maybe I have forgot and a time or two put my arm over my head or picked something up using my left arm. I guess I am just being overly cautious. I feel so much better now and I sure dont want that feeling to stop. You all are great. My mom also said it could possibly be where the muscle or tegiments are trying to heal back.. I go back for my 2 week ck up tomorrow, I am ready to get to drive again.

Thanks Again..

Great points from Don

by Eve23 - 2012-01-04 11:01:44

Don hit the nail on the head! Just like his post said, if this is new and worse pain, get it checked. If the site shows signs of infection (redness, warmth, oozing, red streak, swollen), get it checked. And lastly, if it is worrying you a guessed it, get it checked! It's not worth the anxiety when they can take a quick look at it and tell you if there is a problem or not Good luck, and let us know how it turns out!! :)

Probably no reason...

by donr - 2012-01-04 12:01:54 need to have it checked out. But first, a msg from our sponsor...

Yes, leads can dislodge. But they usually don't. Have you done anything stupid w/the arm on the PM side? Like swinging from the dining room chandelier? Anything that you THINK might have dislodged the leads? If so, that's a indicator that they may be flapping around inside your heart.

Let's counter that possibility w/another observation you can make. How does your heart feel & your overall body, compared to pre-implant? If the feeling you have now is better, or the same as when you first woke up from surgery, they probably have NOT dislodged.

Two weeks out is a bit close to the event to expect to be totaly free of pain. This issue is as individual as fingerprints & DNA. I never took a pain pill & the day after I went home, I was working on building my house. Is that the norm? Of course not. People react differently to length of pain. Now, has the pain gone, then returned? That is something that should be checked out. Are you feverish? Is the site red, puffy & inflamed? More reasons to be checked out.

Just plain worried? Believe it or not,another reason to be checked out. You do not need anxiety to nag you at this point,& it surely can. You must be having some, or you would not have asked about it!!!!!

So, even if all the little things I've said above tell your logical mind that NOTHING is wrong, & you still feel antsy, Get checked out by your cardio - or at least one of his nurses. They need to treat your mind as well as your heart.


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