How soon did you shower?

I know to be careful of raising my left arm. And I've seen people say they used plastic wrap or waterproof bandage for awhile... but how soon after surgery did you take a normal (plastic wrap -free) shower?

Today is day 10 for me.. I still have all my steri strips (probably because they haven't gotten wet during all my "bird baths.")

I want to avoid infection... but could use a real shower!


On 3rd day post PM

by Janey L - 2012-04-28 01:04:31

Hi. I was showering "normally" on day 3. I couldn't lift my left arm right up but managed to shower & wash my hair with my right hand/arm & only lifting my left arm up to elbow height. Worked well for the 5 weeks I was told I couldn't lift my left arm right up (UK).

I didn't have steristrips. I had stitches with a dressing on, which I was allowed to remove on day 2 & leave off. I managed to avoid getting the wound wet just by the way I stood under the shower.

I was really worried about having a shower but once I got used to doing it with my right arm/hand, it was much easier than I thought.

Best wishes


by spiro - 2012-04-28 02:04:06

Just had staples out yesterday. was told shower no problem with the steri strips .Ok to get wet they will come off in a few days .


by Blue - 2012-04-28 06:04:18

I put a waterproof dressing over the wound and showered. I know many other folks who did the same.

A friend of mine who was a nurse did the same for her husband. She gave me the tip and told me to go to the chemist and buy the proper surgical waterproof large dressings they are very thin and totally protect the wound. You can always remove it plaster after shower. Hope this helps. Oh the joy of a proper shower.

Cheer Blue



by Alma Annie - 2012-04-28 08:04:44

My nurse sprayed a waterproof covering over the site and I was able to shower next day so long as I did not raise arm above shoulder. The spray lasted about a week, then i jest showered normally. Alma Annie

Thanks Everyone

by ReneeV2.0 - 2012-04-28 11:04:52

I just got waterproof bandages to be safe and enjoyed a nice hot shower. I think I would probably be okay to not use them... but I'm over protective so I felt more comfortable with the bandage.

Its so odd to me that there are different methods for stitching.. and different advise for when its okay to get it wet. And to be honest, some times I trust the advise on this site more then the nurses!


by natandhop - 2012-04-28 12:04:49

Good morning Renee,
I was able to bathe on day 3 with the help of my mom. Then on day 5 we figured out how to shower without getting the incision wet - we have the handle that comes out and I could wash just about everything with that helpful tool. If you don't have that you should be able to at least get the right side of you good and clean and then direct the stream more carefully on the left side. As for your hair that was a great challenge and my mom had to do the washing the 1st three times, then when I could get more wet, I washed my hair with just my right arm/hand and did that for 6 weeks!

Hopefully this is helpful for you and I wish you well,

Day 6 - not showered yet

by JustKrs - 2012-05-05 09:05:34

Today is day 6 for me and I have not showered normally yet. My doc said I have to wait AT LEAST till day 8 before i get the incision wet, he will determine more specifically on day 8 when i see him for my wound check.

I sat in a few inches of water in my tub and used a washcloth to get most of me clean, and then managed to lean forward to dip my short hair into the water before and after shampooing.

all without getting my incisions with steristrips wet :)

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One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.