lifting weights

can someone advise me how long it takes for the incision to heal...i had surgery this past sep 18 2011. i joined the gym but the weights are still taking a toll on me so i stopped...will i eventually be able to use weights again?


hi and welcome to the club

by Hot Heart - 2012-01-05 04:01:04

sept is still pretty recent, just take it steady, your body will tell you when its the right time. You will be able to use weights again, perhaps not really heavy ones, but ones that will keep you toned.


thank you

by Sociald13 - 2012-01-05 05:01:47

thank you for the warm welcome...

thank you so much for your reply...i will certainly wait a bit longer.


by bulifante - 2012-01-08 02:01:07

Hello, I've had a pacemaker for five years now and was a gym rat before and after. I did moderate light weight workouts for about six months before getting back on track.

Since i've had the unit i've benched 335, squated 500 and pretty much do all the same movements before, however there are a few ones that are still uncomfortable for me...decline press, behind the head pull downs, and use special attention doing incline dumbell flys. hope this helps out.

Lifting Weights

by bjensensc - 2012-01-15 06:01:43

Hi, I had mine in April 2007 and started going to the gym about 2 years later. I was never a gym rat before, but am now. I first lost 45lbs and kept it off for 13 months then started working out with the weights. I am now up to bench pressing my weight (205), fly's 190 lbs, lat pull downs 160 lbs and incline bench press 155 lbs. I've tried running, but my pacer is a "rate response" one and everytime I try running, it "kicks" in high gear and I have to stop. Other than that, I have no discomfort with lifting any weights. Listen to your body, it will tell you if you are woring too hard.

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I had a pacemaker since 2002 and ever since then my life has been a total blessing.