pulmonary vien ablation

Hi, a week ago today I went in for my second pulmonary vein ablation, which went terribly wrong, the Dr. hit scar tissue in the chest and the probes went into the septum, which  induced a coma right away, and I was that way for 36 hours, had breathing tube in and also drainage tube...my question is embarrassing, I came home after 4 days and since have had trouble with my bowels; it just runs out, no notice or anything. 

Is it possible that the Dr. hit a section of the bowel or something?  I go back to see him on Friday...but was wondering if anyone knew the answer to this.  Maybe I still have a lot of the medication in me, whatever, wish it would stop.



by jeanmarie - 2011-03-30 05:03:47

thank you for your comment Jessie

it sounds tough

by GillyC - 2011-03-30 09:03:44

I'm really sorry you're going through this, it may be due to a lot of things maybe you are a little constipated, consequently fluid is leaking out around the block, maybe the meds have had an effect but you should see your doctor about it straight away, its an awful thing to have to deal with alone and without a diagnosis

take care xx

oh my god

by jessie - 2011-03-30 11:03:18

you poor thing. i have never heard of this but maybe someone else has.if you needed a breathing tube anything is possible. do not let them off the hook. you were not this way when you went in. good luck. prayers and thoughts your way. jessie

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