I'm Back

Hello Folks,

I’m back. I got home late Tuesday. I had 2 more stents implanted in the RCA (right coronary artery). That makes three in that one vessel so the doctor told me. That gives me a total of six stents. When I look at a X-ray of my chest and see all the metal I have in my body, (6 stents, 7 pieces of wire where they tied me back together after the bypass surgery and a pacemaker with 2 leads) I think I may have a problem making it through a metal detector.

Anyway, it is too early to know how much good the stents will do, but they told me to give things a few days to get settled in. I'm not sure I understand all that, but we shall see how things are going about Saturday. I can say at least I don't feel any worse and I may feel a little better, and I know for certain Dottie and I both got some kind of tired. They started the prep for the stent at 7:30 AM and I got back to my room at 4 PM. They ran into some difficulty but I was never able to find out just what it was and I decided I really didn't care, so long as they got the job finished.

I can never say how much I appreciate all the nice words from so many of you.

Now I’m on my way to go jogging. Of course I’m lying. I guess old body tissue heals slowly, or something, because even my walking is restricted for a few days.


Been on my mind..

by cottontop - 2008-02-20 04:02:18

So glad your doing better and home. I will keep praying for you and Dottie. After your jog take a long nap.LOL I bet you and your wife are very tired. You don't get much rest in a hospital. I do like the nickname "heavy metal".
Ha! Ha! Take care.
Much love and prayers,

Enjoy your jog ...

by admin - 2008-02-20 09:02:50


I'm real happy to read a post from you. You have been missed.

Get well soon,


Metal Detector?

by pacergirl - 2008-02-20 10:02:14

Hee hee.... Smitty, I am so pleased you are back as well. You have been missed.

Rest up! Get well and be kind to your body.... it has been through a lot lately!

Take care and welcome back!
Pacergirl :-)

I'm sure I speak for many of us

by bambi - 2008-02-20 11:02:18

when I say, thank God you are ok, and I'm relieved to hear you are home! I told you you are a tough bird! We will have to call you "heavy metal" from now on, but that's ok too! Rest, and take care to be kind to yourself while you heal!

So Happy!

by tcrabtree85 - 2008-02-20 12:02:09

I have been thinking about you so much I am glad that things went ok. I continue to pray for you healing and please let Dottie know that she is in our prayers also. I am sure she is all over the place trying to take care of you. Much love!

Welcome Back!

by scadnama - 2008-02-20 12:02:13

So glad that you are back and doing well. Take care of yourself and take it easy!


Welcome back

by ElectricFrank - 2008-02-21 02:02:35

Glad to hear you made through the whole thing OK, Smitty. Your description of all the metal sections in your arteries sounds like the aqueduct that brings water from the Sierra's to Los Angeles. The pipeline was built in sections that were riveted together back in the early 20's.



by jessie - 2008-02-21 12:02:43

hi how are you? glad it went well and you didn't have to have bi-pass. you are full of pipelines but here. that is what matters.here to live some more take care old friend jessie

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Good luck with your surgery. It will improve life amazingly.