23 years old and getting PM Feb 3rd

Hello. I am a 23 year old female who has had a rough few years. I have inappropriate sinus tachycardia. I've have four EP studies that equalled two ablations on extra pathways and this last one Jan 4th 2012 I had a sinus node modification. The day after I was released I was rushed back to the ER with my heart rate in the 20-30's. Stayed a week in hospital to see if my heart rate a rhythm would correct itself. I was released since my heart rate was holding steady in the 60's. Dr decided that we would wait to see what happened before deciding on a pacemaker. Since being released I have had spells of heart rate being in the 40's and other times in the 110's. I visited my EP last Tuesday and found out that I need a pacemaker. 

I think the dr is placing the PM under the muscle because he mentioned 3-4 layers of strong stitches and a layer of cosmetic stitches at the skin. Does this sound like his plan? Also I'm worried about keeping the PM in place because of large chest and gravity pulls my chest down.  Should I look for a sports bra that hooks in the front?

Sorry to write so much, just nervous. Not of the pacemaker, but keeping it in place with my chest being so large and gravity taking control. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Me too

by Peg541 - 2012-01-28 09:01:38

I am getting my pacemaker on Tuesday and I ordered the Genie bras over the Internet yesterday. I am not well endowed. They are putting mine under my muscle also.

Just make sure you speak to the MD before the surgery. Let him see your chest without and with a bra and let him advise you where it goes. I'll bet they do this all the time.

Good luck to you. I'll keep you in my good thoughts.


under the muscle advocate here

by kathykat11 - 2012-01-28 09:01:45

It sounds like he is planning on putting it under the muscle to me. Having had it both ways and liking the comfort of under the muscle better, it sound to me like your doctor is taking into consideration the fact thet you are well endowed. My first plcemnt being just under the skin made the placemnent of where the pacer was while on my back toatlly different than what it was when I was upright. The tech in the office said you would think with as many of these things as they do they would take into consideration that breasts move. Having placement under the muscle would lessen movement. I am not even very well endowed but having breast fed 3 babies my breasts in my fitieis probably have a lot more movement than someone as young as you are. I have been having issues with anykind of bra rubbing on the wire area until I got the genie bra and that has been a God send to me. I know I couldn't have used the genie bra until I was very healed but It sure beats the T shirts I was reduced to wearing until Genie came into my life. the Genie Bra looks just like my busty daughters sports bra but she says it is comfortable for her too. I have never seen a front closure sports bra but if you could find one that might work for you. I don't htink you need to worry about gravity since it seems like your doctor is taking into account your generous proportions. Sounds like he or she has a goodly amout of sense working in their favor and yours.

Similar story

by golden_snitch - 2012-01-29 05:01:42


Have written a similar story. What was first diagnosed as Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia turned out to be the very rare Permanent Sinus Node Re-Entry Tachycardia with an average heart rate of 120-140 at rest. Underwent two sinus node modifications that failed, during the third ablation they ablated the whole sinus node; got a pacer six weeks later. Have you had pauses and heart rates lower than 40bpm, yet? Just asking because that's the pacer indication here. They waited till I had pauses of more than 4 seconds at night and heart rates, also at night, going down to 18 bpm. After the pacer was put in, the sinus tachycardia came back once and in addition they found an AVNRT, so ablation no 4. Needed two more ablations for atrial flutter and ectopic atrial tachycardias --> six ablations altogether.

I paid a price for the sinus node modifications, years later. And that's what I wanted to tell you about. Because of the scar tissue from these modifications my whole superior vena cava was occluded leading to an open heart surgery to re-construct it. This is a rare, but known complication. After I've had it, the hospital I'm being treated at started to check every patient who underwent sinus node modifications/ablations for this complication. If I were you, I'd ask your doctor about it. There are two other patients here on this board who've had the complication and ended up needing open heart surgery. I know it's scary, but it's something you should know. It's just something to watch out for in patients like us.

Regarding the pacer: It sounds like your doctor is going to place it under the muscle. I have mine there, too, but had my first one under the skin only. Recovery time is a bit longer when it's put under the muscle, and it hurts more, but nothing painkillers can't take care of. It's better protected under the muscle, and it doesn't stick out.

Good luck & all the best!

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Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

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My ICD/pacer is not a burden. I still play tennis and golf.