Biotronik Evia SR-T

Hello! Yesterday morning I had a pacemaker implanted. Te device is Biotronik Evia SR-T. Does anyone else have this device? How is it working for you?

I dont have any pain unless I move then it's intense pressure and soreness not what I would call pain. My pacer was set to 70 beats a minute and I noticed that even though my heart rate was in the high 70's and low 80's it was pacing. I also notices that my heart rate was in the low 60's and high 50's when resting. After speaking to the dr about this he sent someone to interrogate my pacer and found out that the sensitivity was set too high and my pacin rate was only 60 and not 70. The tech reprogrammed my pacer and I'm feeling much better.



by Rich061 - 2012-02-08 11:02:52

Yes I have same one.All the pain and pressure goes away in about 8 to 10 weeks. my pm was originally set at 60 low and 130 high.I just went back for 3 month check up.Told tek that i running every day at least 3 miles and feeling tied and out of breath.She said she would adjust by setting sensor on . My resting rate now gos between 60s to 70s i ran today and felt fantastic.tell tek you your problems when you have check up they know whats going on better than doctors do.She also said this would save battery life.

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