Good News

Hello Folks

I know many of you have seen me complain about my pacemaker not living up to its reputation. The low set point was 70 and I would frequently find my heart rate in the mid-forties. With an ejection fraction in the 40s that wasn't giving me enough blood flow to satisfy all my needs. The result was I would get out of breath and have chest pain with very little physical activity.

This all started in Feb. '07 and has gradually gotten worse to the point my activities have been reading, watching TV and sitting here at my computer for much too long. I complained to my doctors and about the only answer I can say that I got was I didn't know how to count my heart rate because my heart was beating faster than the mid-forties. I did get two more stents during that time, to no avail, and I got to learn about some more medications that would make me feel worse.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I asked for a Medtronic Rep. to check out my pacemaker. I got this done last Wed (7-29-09) and I can truthfully say it is now a different world for me. All that was done was to increase the low setting from 70 to 80 and high setting from 110 to 120. Oh yes, the rate response was turned on again, but that is another story. The low set point increase to 80 was my idea (got pat myself on the back, although I didn't know if it would do any good) because that was the initial setting when I got my PM in 2000. The Rep. took the time and made the effort to explain to me about the discrepancies in my heart rate count and that the medical personnel were getting.

A little explanation of how that helped so much. The heart beats I was counting were what I'll call good heart beats. I don't count PAC, PVC or skip beats because they are pumping very little, if any blood. However, my pacemaker counts those things and does not send an impulse, which is just as well because they tell me I don't wan tit trying to override a PAC or PVC. Even on skip beats the hearts natural pacemaker may be sending enough of an impulse for the pacemaker to detect, which means it does nothing.

At a low PM setting of 80 I am still having about the same total number of PAC, PVC & skip beats each minute, but the total number of these is a smaller percentage of my total heart beats. The result is I have more of what I call good heart beats which has made all the difference for me.

I have a ways to go to get back into some kind of decent physical condition because I have been, for all practical purposes, physically inactive for 2 1/2 years. But now I am starting to feel well enough to get back on an exercise program. It is truly amazing to me to be able to walk a few bocks without having chest pain or having to look for a place to sit down.

If there is a lesson to be learned it has to be don't give up. I'll not try to explain how this could have gone on so long when such a simple solution was at hand because I don't know. I'm just thankful for what has happened.

Over the next couple of months I'll be having some tests to see just how good my poor old beat up heart is, but I have faith that things will be pretty good.



be your own advocate

by Cyborg Runner - 2009-08-04 09:08:10

The sad reality is that most doctors in America today care more about their net worth than their patients. You need to be your own health advocate and insist on getting "fixed". Don't worry about hurting feelings and doing what you are told, if you aren't feeling up to par, make your health caretakers get you there.
Great job, more people need to be like you.

Good for You

by ecf2xtreme - 2009-08-04 09:08:54

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! Congratulations, and give yourself another pat on the back!

What great news

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-08-04 10:08:22

What amazing news and very encouraging to hear. Take care of yourself and as you get back into a exercise routine don't forget to keep yourself hydrated. Blessings and love,

Have faith...

by Shirley - 2009-08-05 03:08:02

What an inspiring tale. So happy for your increased energy level. Please let us know as you continue to improve with your energy and improved quality of life.

You have so much info & great suggestions to share. It is always interesting to read your commmetns here on the site.

Way to go Smitty. So very happy for you.



by ShadowWeaver - 2009-08-05 07:08:07

Great news to hear Smitty!! I look forward to seeing your progress. I know I also get a lot of PAC's and PVC's so it is nice to hear of another who is "getting better". Michael

Jolly Good

by Wannabe - 2009-08-05 07:08:37

Very pleased indeed to hear there's some resolution of your problems, Smittie. Enjoy your new-found buoyancy...but do try to keep out of trouble! Best love, Sheila


by Suze - 2009-08-05 08:08:32

I am so glad to hear your wonderful news. Thanks for taking the time to share this.
I've been toying with the idea of having my rate response turned back up (it's on a low setting right now) because I get winded climbing steep stairs unless I excercise at the bottom of the stairs BEFORE I begin to climb. In a public place people look at me as if I'm a little weird.

Again, thanks for sharing and have fun getting out and about!
Take care,

Way to go

by COBradyBunch - 2009-08-05 09:08:20

Way to go and great news. And as for behaving yourself with your new found energy... HELL NO!!!!! Live life to its fullest and make up for those lost 2.5 years.


by SMITTY - 2009-08-05 10:08:29

Thanks everyone for the good thoughts and comments. I go back the 26th of this month for a checkup to see if anything needs tweaking. Of course I'll post the results.

By the way Patch, my wife went out today and got her a pair of roller blades. I'm not sure if they are for her to keep up with me or stay to ahead of me. Time will tell I guess.

Thanks again everyone,



by jessie - 2009-08-05 12:08:28

i am so happy for you. way to go. jessie

Totallly Undersatnd....

by MRSNO1MAX - 2009-08-06 01:08:18

Smitty' I'm so very happy for you and I understand how you feel. For two years I could hardly breathe and forget about much else. I was really thinking my time was close and so did my family, until I moved to GA. and a new heart doctor. When I went in for my first appointment a medtronic lady checked my machine. She kept saying I can't believe this and worked on me for about one hour. I felt as if a light switch was turned on.. According to the doctor he said my heart was set to low and other settings were wrong. That was two months ago and I feel great. When I returned for another appointment she checked me again and I put my arms around her and told her she gave me my life back.


by Pookie - 2009-08-06 06:08:18

I am SO SO SO very happy for you.

I too live by "don't ever give up on hope."

Example: I wore the loop recorder for the month of June. In July I called asking when I would see the EP. (I've had a pacer since 2004 and have NEVER met an EP)...anyways, I was told I was "wait listed" for May of next year!!!!!!!!!!!! An 11 month wait???...pathetic.

Two days later, I got an appointment in the mail...must have been my lucky day... I will be seen on Sept. 24 by an EP. Yeehaw.


A quick hello

by aldeer - 2009-08-06 10:08:15

Hi Smitty..... I am so very glad that all is going so much better for you. It is always good to see your "words of wisdom" in answer to our many problems. Keep up the good work and keep up that exercise routine and most of all keep that "little child" within alive & happy:) aldeer

best wishes too

by rvrs7081 - 2009-08-08 10:08:15

Like all the others, I am glad to see things are going better for you. Right, never give up hope. Sad, but sometimes we have to complain to get thngs done. Also good luck to your wife with the roller blades. Do let us know how she is managing. Ann

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