Hospital visit

The hospital did xrays and cat scan to check my heart they said it was lung inflamation,but it feels now like a lead problem,i'm having pain on my left shoulder blade,and heart palpatations,i have been careful with my left arm and it has only been a month since my pacemaker surgery,they had to repair the leads a day after surgery,how do i know for sure?


Good comment

by Loriann - 2012-02-22 09:02:06

I am trying to be careful saying advise....(I am not a professional ) but what you said Pookie is right on the head of the nail.
You have to be your voice in your health. It is your body. It is not anyone's but yours.
I pray they get this solved quickly for you so you can get to feeling human again. Gentle hugs....!

What I would do.

by Pookie - 2012-02-22 12:02:03


Sorry to hear that you are having an issue with your pacemaker.

This is what I would do if I were you: I'd call your doctor who takes care of you & your pacemaker to make sure he received the results of the Xray & CT Scan and then I'd ask if he/she could see me right away. And I wouldn't take "no" as an answer.

If you start to feel worse or even if you don't feel comfortable right now - go to the ER!!!!!!!!.

Who is "they" that said it was inflammation of the lung and what did "they" give you for it?????

You don't know for sure (about the lead) that is why I (if it were me) that I'd call the Pacemaker Clinic or whomever takes care of you & your pacemaker and demand to be seen ASAP.

It could be nothing serious, but why wait???

Never hesitate to seek help.

Take care,

Thank you pookie

by 3coatsuzi - 2012-03-04 08:03:25

and the they i was talking about are the ER Dr. and nurse who said it could'nt be determined but the DR. said he could'nt see anything messed up with my leads in the xray and that i did'nt have any bloodclots but i should go to a Dr. the next day,funny i thought he was a Dr? I started taking naproxin like he said,it seems to help,the Doctors are expensive and i've applied for medical help,i have a private Dr.i made an appt.with and am saving money for my first visit in April,

You know you're wired when...

You always have something close to your heart.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker when I was 11. I never once thought I wasn't a 'normal kid' nor was I ever treated differently because of it. I could do everything all my friends were doing; I just happened to have a battery attached to my heart to help it work.