

My husband has a Biotronik Cylos DR since 2008.  We received a call from the clinic saying they couldn’t get a reading on his pacemaker and to do a phone check.  He did the phone check, but they still couldn’t get a reading so we went to Jackson.  He was put on 2 machines as they thought it was the battery, but we have 3 years on the battery since they finally got the reading, but said the top chamber in the electrical part is just quivering and is not doing what it is suppose to at risk for a blood clot.   We were told that sometimes the wires can fray and not communicate causing irregular heart beat and he is having atrial fibrillation now but the doctor will have to decide what needs to be done but his appointment is not until next Tuesday.  Was wondering what if anyone would know what could be done? redo the pacemaker or leads...confused.  My husband is a incomplete quad, had to have pacemaker because injury to spinall cord was affecting back side of the heart muscles, but that is another story, sorry.




biotronik cylos

by peacegirl - 2012-02-25 09:02:50

oh, ok what do they do to replace how easy is this done, if you dont mind me asking, this wasnt a recall was it? or just something can happen, the nurse told us they having alot of problems with these.


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It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.