No Energy

Hi, I had my third repair of my pm and leads in March. I feel fine except I have no energy. This was not the case with the last repairs so I tend to feel it's not depression or anything but the pacemaker setting. Is this common and can it be remedied? Your help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jane



by manaman - 2012-06-08 01:06:26

I too had the same issue. I had a sales rep give me a multi vitamin that put the "pep back in my step'. If you wish I would be happy to send you some samples of the same product.


by ElectricFrank - 2012-06-08 01:06:33

you mean replacements for battery depletion? There really isn't any way to repair a pacemaker. The leads can be replaced also.

It's easy to rule out the pacemaker settings by checking them against the settings used on the one that was removed. Unless something new has developed in your heart that would require new settings, or possibly the pacemaker model has been changed there is no reason that the settings can't be kept the same. Like all of us cardiologists seem to have favorite approaches to the settings and will make a change for some unknown reason.

When I had mine changed in 2010 I specifically requested that I get the same settings, and was assured that I would. I also requested a copy of the report and discovered that there were a couple of changes made so I asked for them to be restored.

The other possibility is that you have some totally unrelated condition causing the low energy. There seems to be a lot of it going around recently for some reason.


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