
I was at the end of a 5 mile walk/run, when I had symptoms similar to before having the pacemaker. I have only had the pacemaker about 6 weeks. Is this normal?


That depends...

by jenny97 - 2012-03-23 09:03:01

on what causes your syncope or near-syncope, what kind of PM you have, and whether or not the settings are correct. It can also depend on other factors such as other health conditions, level of hydration, etc. etc.

A PM can typically help prevent the symptoms if the problem is simply an electrical problem in the heart like missed beats or exaggerated slowing of the heart. However, if the syncope is caused by a sudden drop in BP, the PM is probably not going to help too much, depending on the type of mechanism it uses. The Biotronik Evia was recently FDA approved to treat vasovagal syncope, so it's mechanism may be better suited if vasovagal is the problem. On a medtronic PM, the rate drop response may also help. (That's what I have.)

In any event, it's definitely worth talking to your doctor about. He/She may be able to provide suggestions on hydration, cooling down, and PM settings that will further minimize your symptoms.

Good luck!


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