sharp stinging pain of scar

Hey there.
Had my pacemaker for 95 days so far and I keep having this terrible pain almost every day.Guaranteed im 18 and not going to sit still for months of recovery. I went to class 2 days after surgery (and my teacher still deducted 10 pts for missing...crazy lady). It feels like a sharp stinging of the incision. I can't decide if it is just the skin and the scar of if the pain is deeper. Anyone have this? Any topical remedies or anything besides 3 tylenols which don't help.



stinging scar pain

by Pookie - 2012-05-07 03:05:22

If your scar is completely healed - ask the pharmacist (or better yet your doctor) for some type of numbing ointment.

I am guessing that the "sting" your are experiencing is the nerve endings trying to heal.

If the site is red or swollen or oozing anything, please have it checked as that could be a sign of infection.


Yes yes

by Jax - 2012-05-08 01:05:00

I had that stinging pain. I just figured it was part if the healing process. As long as it's not infected. No oozing or anything. It went away. Thank goodness.


by Jax - 2012-05-08 01:05:49

Your teacher is really unfair deducting 10 Points. I thi k I would either have a private conversation with her or file a grievance with the school. She should add on 10 points with you coming to class 2 days after surgery. I waited 4 days to go to work.

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