Pain relief?

What are some solutions to pain? I have had pain where it feels like a needle in consistently stabbing me and other very sensitive pain in my scar area. It hasn’t gone away at all after 3 months.

I went to a check up and I didn’t get to meet with my doctor, just his physicians assistant and I told her that Ibuprophen doesn’t work at all and I’m still in a lot of pain. She told me that it was normal and to take regular Tylenol. I did and it didn’t help at all. Hydrocodone worked really well for me when I had it, but I am all out.

Any other over the counter solutions?



by bjbumblebee - 2012-05-13 01:05:53

I recently started using Aleve for pain relief and have found that it has worked better than Tylenol or ibuprophen. I started using it after my lead extractions in March as the doctors had to use my shoulder for support while tugging at my leads to get them out. Since my shoulder gets fatigued and sore and I found that Aleve kicks in quickly and relieves the pain and I do not have to take it as often.


PS My 12 year old son was the one who suggested I try it as he watches the TV commericals and they say 2 tablets work all day. For once a product does what the commercials say they do!

Over The Counter Pain Relief

by Pookie - 2012-05-13 11:05:17

Sounds like what you are experiencing is nerve related and some of us have gone thru this after pacemaker surgery...unfortunately it's part & parcel of the healing process. Mine stung like a bee for months.

If you want to try something other than a pill, I have tried and have had success with what is called Neurogel, it's a topical ointment. You can by it at Walmart. It's a tad expensive, but it worked for me. It's usually behind the counter though so you have to ask for it.

But don't use anything topical if your scar is still in the healing stage.


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