defibrillator and pacemaker

I just got home from the hospital. I said, got home! Yet, I was electricuted for no reason except a company allowed leads they new at the time they were being put in me--KILLED PEOPLE! I was relxed and on my couch just april 31st at 2:18 pm chatting to a friend about rebuilding his motor on his boat --When whaam Oh my god! did I get struck by lightning? Oh my god and whaam again in less thaan a minute I got another of a shock much higher than has killed many before me! Oh my GOd! I shouted honey help! WHAAM I yelled a blood cuttling yell knowing I was dieing! my little girl only 4 was crying so loud she had a sore throat the next day.. And WHaam! I didnt know if I could take even one more cause I knew death before as I fell and lived after a 6 and one half story fall and shattered 48 bones. My wife called 911 and they tried to ask me what was going on and whaam I yelled im dieing.. then whaam again.. all because meditronics knew they put in bad leads, and because no-one told me anything about the death I was to face I was dieing by electricution in the cruelest way in front of my crying child and wife.. and no sto I was electricuted for one and a half hours with not even time to catch a breath! I tried to wait for the ambulance and whaam Oh my god! one more and Im sure i am gong to die the lights are going out in my vision! I woke a few seconds and made a dash for the door as the ambulance could not get there in time to save me as I -m electricuted in my body feeling like eevry vein is popping outside of my skin and my eyes are being blown right out of my skull!


killing me

by GILLKATHY - 2012-04-05 05:04:48

I was electricuted in the worst way you can think of.. and ther was no way to stop it for over one and a half hours and it was like every minute. well over what most probably died from. And thank God im here and they shut that killer off. and im not letting anyone put any other killer in me as I have suffered more than when I may die from that. and I still may from that cause it blocks air flow that carry blood as those broken no good lines will block that as well.

Wait a minute

by ElectricFrank - 2012-04-06 03:04:51

You need to understand that you really don't have enough information to draw any helpful conclusions about what the apparent ICD is doing. It is true that a bad or improperly installed lead could cause your device to shock you. The other alternative is that your heart was starting to act like it was going to stop and the device shocked it back into life.

So in one case it unnecessarily shocked you, but in the other it may have saved your life. Just consider that without the device you could have relaxed on your couch talking to your friend about his boat motor, and quietly died from cardiac arrest.

So quit the hysterics and let the doctor figure out what is happening and fix it.

I am sorry you had such a scary experience and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


pacemaker -defib

by anniesu - 2012-04-06 11:04:57

well I too know what it is to be shocked like a lightning bolt...I did 4 times and didnt need to be...It was terrible and I have ask to have the defib shut off and I can have it done and just leave the pacemaker...But, I didnt and they set it up different and so far so good...But, if it ever goes off again for no real reason it will be shut off...That is the most terrible pain I have ever had and I have had 3 children so I know what pain is...I would rather have a baby then go thru what I did...actually it took me weeks to get my heart settled down..I still have more skippy beats and funny feelings than I had before I had this put in...So I really dont know if it has been worth it or not...all I can say is I know what Gillkathy went thru and unless someone has I dont think they can give a person advice.


by GILLKATHY - 2012-04-07 11:04:30

mY LIFE WAS AND STILL MAY BE OVER DUE TO SELLING ME THE IDEA THAT IT might SAVE MY LIFE SOME DAY.. tHAT FIBULATOR WAS MY CHOICE GIVEN TO ME BY MY CARDIOLAGIST.. NOT BECAUSE MY HEART EVER STOPPED Frank thank for your comment of the sorry part- I am too! But my posting was not heard by you.. first of all.. my heart didnt stop at any time untill maybe after up to 29 shocks by that mosnter! Even the medtronics tech said it shouldnt have done what it did. but its line breaking made the cheap piece of untested garbage say It did when they seperated and touched again. So because its my life being snuffed out Im very offended of you thinking I dont know what is going on...I know when I am fine and I was fine talking to a guy I didnt even know about him maybe being able to rebuild a moter on his boat would not get a mans heart rate up.. not what so ever! hey guy I worked a large part of my life in prison in corrections Im not even able to show fear let alone have it.. But this lead breaking is something that has already been proven many times over to have killed! and it was a miracle im alive and it sound like your on someone elses side getting aqway with murder to me.. Im only trying to tell people that this is what is happening NOW! to me so that they might save there own lives.. not for debate cause I would not say what is causing the trouble if I didnt know for sure.. IM SURE- now im walking around with a broken lead in my heart. that is taking up oxygen I need with two more leads doing the same.. and, I also know that what they may do - to further come closer to my own demise is break them off during ripping them out.. and leave more in... and that caused many infections.. If I was made aware of this when they already knew this kind of thing was happening to others I would never had said I would put it in.. And, now this morning my child woke up screaming daddys hurt! Maybe she's dreaming what-- her barby dolls? No, I dont want a debate hear I want people to know that they should have known these things can go off up to one hundred times in an hour and a half each minute and less.. even if you are not having any trouble! and they say themselves its not made to do that but supposed to deliver only whats needed... And Frank if my heart was in touble than why am I walking around with all still in me and the battery shut off.. and my hear is obviously not in danger now. and never would have been if it wasnt there. My wife is going to church to pray for our lives cause we are in fact reading more cases of these killer leads drilling there way out of arteries and causing death in many places on this computer.. simply go look for yourself! write what ever you can think of and see for yourself.. write medtronics deaths or some of many variations and you'll find other people with no husband now shortly after this happened to there familys.. this is not a debate with me.. its holding killers responsible for what they were supposed to be saving lifes with.. and are failing badly.. and slow and quick killing innocent peaple that trusted them. try asking the computer about removing the leads and facts you shoud know about breakage.. try as many variations as you can think of and you'll see -- only then from others this is going on. and should not go on. And not be aloud to. I got into another world other than this one with the white light and couldnt hear my wife screaming to stay with her. I had blood in my pants the size of your fist and had no idea as electric taizing through my body over one hundred times in one and a half hours! Hey people if you were sadistic enough to put a RAT not a human- in a cage and shock it untill it lost Its abillity to see and it looses its hearing, and it looses its bowls and then blood in the same place?? what do you think happend to it? Or let me ask you good people this- if you saw that rat live through that kind of torture do you think someone ought to pay attention and stop that? God god! they give animals better treatment. When people are aware of it.. and I have a Kids that need me.. and they too are going to suffer thanks to this as I am very much aware that whats next now can also lead to death and its only because I know what has already ahppened. with these leads in.. go look - dont listen, and see if you can live through what should and would have killed over 99 percent of anything! If you take the side of a killer your as guilty as them letting it go on.


by IAN MC - 2012-04-09 12:04:13

Thanks Kathy for bringing to our attention what it feels like when an ICD goes wrong.As Anniesu said if we haven't been through it, we're not in a position to give no advice !

I'm sure that we're all glad that you've lived to tell the tale ... as you said, some haven't, and I do hope that your story has a happy ending.

Your post made me read a bit more about ICDs and what I've picked up is :-

- ICDs are claimed to cut the risks of sudden death by 70% which is why they are fitted of course

- some say when you are shocked it feels like being kicked by a horse..from the inside..your experience sounds a million times worse than that ( but apparently you had a faulty ICD )

- as you said ICDs can cause unnecessary shocks with around a third of ICD -shocks being caused by heart activity which is no risk whatsoever to the patient

- without doubt many cardiologists skate over the huge psychological problems that being shocked from the inside can cause

- I guess we are all guinea pigs to some extent when we're fitted with PMs or ICDs because the technology is relatively new

BUT the technology is improving all of the time and I've just been reading that a new ICD which is implanted in the chest area under the skin of the arm does not have many of the problems of the type that you have. I'm sure this won't make you feel any happier though!

I hope that, next time we hear from you, you have calmed down a bit and are more optimistic about your future.

Best wishes



by papaknight - 2012-04-13 01:04:10

I have had 4 episodes of ICD firing. 2 were needed and the other two are still unexplained. In one of them I was shocked 48 times in 3 hours and 55 times in 4.5 hours the other time. It is thought that the cause could be the migration of the lead wires through the Riata recalled lead. Ask questions and press for answers[keep good records too]. Best of luck to you lpapaknight []

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This is my second Christmas with my pacemaker and I am so happy to be with my family.