lead problem

Hi everyone, I have joined the pm club after finding it online whilst looking for information about 'worn' leads. I had a pm implanted 8 years ago and have been absolutley fine until my annual check-up yesterday. One of the leads of my dual chamber pm is not working correctly. It has been re-set and I need to go back in 6 months to see if the problem is cured or has returned - in which case they may decide to replace one of the leads. Has anyone experienced this and should I be worried? I have had a lot of dizzy spells for months now which I had put down to stress, and am sorry to say I did not think to associate with the pm not working properly. I have tried to contact the pm clinic to answer some of my questions as I was completely unprepared for any problems, but unable to get a response so far. I'd be grateful for any info or experience you could share as I am really quite concerned.


You know you're wired when...

“Batteries not included” takes on a new meaning.

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Just because you have a device doesn't mean you are damaged goods and can't do anything worthwhile and have to lie down and die. In fact, you're better and stronger. You're bionic!